will pajama cardinals school?


Well I have 2.....the third died upon arrival :( BUT the 2 I do have are always together, SO IMO YES


thank you much. consider them ordered.
quick question on compatibility, i have a 10" green carpet anemone, an 18" snowflake eel, and a black and white clown fish, all in a 75gal. im getting mixed results looking up fish compatibility charts.


How aggressive is your eel?
A 10" carpet anemone is quite big for a 75G and could be a death trap for any smaller fish.
I have three PJ's and yes, they do school, but only at night.


Active Member
School? No. No fish commonly kept in home aquariums schools......... Shoals, on the other hand, they definitely do....

Gonna be tough with that carpet though. I lost 4 PJ's, one every couple weeks, when they decided to take the "forever" nap into my carpet anemone.


Active Member

Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/382937/will-pajama-cardinals-school#post_3345744
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/382937/will-pajama-cardinals-school#post_3345702
School? No. No fish commonly kept in home aquariums schools......... Shoals, on the other hand, they definitely do....

I have given up on trying to refer to it the right way because for most people if you say Shoal, they're completely confused, lol
From Wikipedia
In biology, any group of fish that stay together for social reasons are said to be shoaling
(pronounced /??o?l??/), and if, in addition, the group is swimming in the same direction in a coordinated manner, they are said to be schooling
(pronounced /?sku?l??/).[sup][1] In common usage, the terms are sometimes used rather loosely.[sup][1][/sup] About one quarter of fishes shoal all their lives, and about one half of fishes shoal for part of their lives.[2][/sup]
So, as I understand it, shoaling is simply hanging out together. I think I read somewhere, maybe here, that fish that may school in the wild, in a tank, do not feel threatened enough for the need to school.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/382937/will-pajama-cardinals-school#post_3345647
How aggressive is your eel?
A 10" carpet anemone is quite big for a 75G and could be a death trap for any smaller fish.
I have three PJ's and yes, they do school, but only at night.
the eel is not aggressive at all, my clownfish actually swims right in front of his face and he just ignores it and waits for his feeding. until it killed my brain coral, i had a javanese damsel, it would literally confront and attack the eel, causing him to run and hide under rocks. the eel was about 6 inches when i got him and has seen many fish come and go (most killed by my stingray) and never went after a single one. im not really worried about him i was just looking for some opinions. i know i am about at the min tank size for my carpet but i just moved into my new house, and since i own this one and am not going any where anytime soon, i will be upgrading my tank to a 280gal. now i feel that we are getting quite off topic.
thank you all for the advice, and the clearification on definitions. this site and its memebers never lets me down.


If your eel behaves, I'd try it. There are people that claim they loose cardinals to anemones, I have no experienced this, so I say, go for it.