will picky clownfish die?


Cain420, did your other Clown Pull through, and now eating good?
I picked up 2 just the other day, and I "think" the smaller of the 2 might already be gone. As of last night, I hadn't seen either of them eat, and the little guy, which had seperated itself from the bigger one was missing this AM, and I assumed hiding in the rocks. I just got a call from my Kids' Nanny and she thinks she spotted the missing one "laying down" in the sand behind or inside a rock. Now that could be a few different things, but she said she couldn't see any movement, which isn't a good sign.
I won't be able to tell until this evening when I go home, but I'm going to stop off at the LFS and try to pick up a couple different types of food to try to get the other, more active, larger Clown to eat something before he/she kicks off too.
Frustrating as there were my 1st, non-starter fish (5 Chromis that have been doing real well for a couple weeks now), and all of my Water levels have been perfect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SuperWade2
Cain420, did your other Clown Pull through, and now eating good?
I picked up 2 just the other day, and I "think" the smaller of the 2 might already be gone. As of last night, I hadn't seen either of them eat, and the little guy, which had seperated itself from the bigger one was missing this AM, and I assumed hiding in the rocks. I just got a call from my Kids' Nanny and she thinks she spotted the missing one "laying down" in the sand behind or inside a rock. Now that could be a few different things, but she said she couldn't see any movement, which isn't a good sign.
I won't be able to tell until this evening when I go home, but I'm going to stop off at the LFS and try to pick up a couple different types of food to try to get the other, more active, larger Clown to eat something before he/she kicks off too.
Frustrating as there were my 1st, non-starter fish (5 Chromis that have been doing real well for a couple weeks now), and all of my Water levels have been perfect.
Get the frozen bar of cyclop-eeze, it works for me!!! :happyfish


Active Member
nope.. the other did not.. even with trying to give it cyclopeeze..
i think they died as a result of ***** syndrome! LOL
now i have more to worry about in the tank though..carbon pieces. i got a thread goin on that now


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
Get the frozen bar of cyclop-eeze, it works for me!!! :happyfish
I hope my LFS stocks this... I know they have a freezer full of stuff, but not sure what all they stock.
I think I need to take the Chromis out too, at least temporarily... they are vivacious eaters, and I don't want them munching down everything that I try to give the Clown before he even know's it's there...


Active Member
Originally Posted by SuperWade2
I hope my LFS stocks this... I know they have a freezer full of stuff, but not sure what all they stock.
I think I need to take the Chromis out too, at least temporarily... they are vivacious eaters, and I don't want them munching down everything that I try to give the Clown before he even know's it's there...
I wouldn't worry about the chromis! When feeding the bar, all you have to do is swival the bar in the tank for a few seconds and you'll see lots of small particals floating everywhere, no way your clown will miss it. Then just put the bar back into the package and into a ziplock bag and back into your freezer. :happyfish


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
I wouldn't worry about the chromis! When feeding the bar, all you have to do is swival the bar in the tank for a few seconds and you'll see lots of small particals floating everywhere, no way your clown will miss it. Then just put the bar back into the package and into a ziplock bag and back into your freezer. :happyfish
Should I have to shut down my Powerheads when feeding stuff... with flakes it seems to blow everything to heck and back and the fish seem to be zooming arround the tank trying to catch the food "in flight"...
Obviously I'm very new to all of this...


Active Member
Originally Posted by SuperWade2
Should I have to shut down my Powerheads when feeding stuff... with flakes it seems to blow everything to heck and back and the fish seem to be zooming arround the tank trying to catch the food "in flight"...
Obviously I'm very new to all of this...
You can at first to get the fish familiar with the stuff. After that, I wouldn't worry about it. I keep my powerheads on during feeding, unless I'm feeding my corals, that's the only time I shut my powerheads off. :happyfish

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by cain420
nope.. the other did not.. even with trying to give it cyclopeeze..
i think they died as a result of ***** syndrome! LOL
now i have more to worry about in the tank though..carbon pieces. i got a thread goin on that now

when you said this about petso syndrome...it reminded me of sumthin i read when i first tried sw about a year ago.. i read that reef fish are obtained from the wild..(obviousely) but the people who capture them use a squirt gun type thing loaded with syonide to stun the long enough to net....then theyre loaded onto a boat along with others and packed and shipped to the lfs..and so on..another method of fish capture is with dragnets..yes dragnets....ya know, the ones they use to catch tuna and such....so pet store fish usually come from an all out bad situation to start with...not to mention the pollutaints in the water where they orignally came from...but the tough time they have in transport....hundreds of fish, crammed into baggies..loaded into boxes..dying fish...amonia spikes and so on...alot of people around here suggest not buying from a lfs but from a friend or breeder


Well, so far my 2nd clown isn't yet eating that I have seen, but it at least still alive (for now). I thought he was "gone" this morning when I saw him literally sitting on the sand in the corner, leaning on the glass... He has sinced moved, but won't come out of a little Live Rock Cave.
I've tried Prime Reef, Galic Extract, A couple types of flakes, some pellets, some Brine Shrimp and some Mysis, but can't find cyclop-eeze at 3 or 4 places that I've been too...
I guess I'm gonna just keep trying and be prepared to have a little fishy funeral in the next day or two if he doesn't decided to start chowing down. I talked to the LFS where I got them (no warranty of course), but he said he would run his tests on my water... I've been testing with Salifert Kits and everything has been solid for a couple of weeks.
Wish me luck...


Originally Posted by cain420
where did you get the fish at and what kind of guarantee, if any, do they have?
LFS, and NO Guarantee!!! Was cheaper than here or other online stores by quite a bit (including shipping costs), but maybe you get what you pay for....


Active Member
Okay, here is some information for the "Great Food Debate" going on here.
Brine Shimp contains the following ingredients & percentages:
Crude Protein 5.02%
Crude Fat .24%
Crude Fiber .29%
Formula One contains the following ingredients & percentages:
Crude Protein 14.9%
Crude Fat 1.4%
Crude Fiber 0.3%
I alternate foods but love Formula One. Any foods that I give the fish are generally soaked in Garlic Extreme, Garlic Guard or fresh garlic for a half hour before feeding for prophylactic purposes.
Protein is the key for healthy fish. The ingredients tell the story.
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Merredeth
Okay, here is some information for the "Great Food Debate" going on here.
Brine Shimp contains the following ingredients & percentages:
Crude Protein 5.02%
Crude Fat .24%
Crude Fiber .29%
Formula One contains the following ingredients & percentages:
Crude Protein 14.9%
Crude Fat 1.4%
Crude Fiber 0.3%
I alternate foods but love Formula One. Any foods that I give the fish are generally soaked in Garlic Extreme, Garlic Guard or fresh garlic for a half hour before feeding for prophylactic purposes.
Protein is the key for healthy fish. The ingredients tell the story.
Denise M.

ok now lets compare a few more. not alot of foods i dont use
100 % mysis
min crude protein 69.5%
crude fat 8.35%
max crude fiber 2.75%
max ash 5.5%
7.5% crude protein
2.8% crude fat
0.8 % crude fiber
now if you look at all of the vitamin contents per package on all of these meaty foods you will notice thay dont list any of the essential vit needed for these fish. no single type of food will give 100% of the required amounts of essential nutrients needed by any species the key is variety


Active Member

Originally Posted by unleashed
ok now lets compare a few more. not alot of foods i dont use
100 % mysis
min crude protein 69.5%
crude fat 8.35%
max crude fiber 2.75%
max ash 5.5%
7.5% crude protein
2.8% crude fat
0.8 % crude fiber
now if you look at all of the vitamin contents per package on all of these meaty foods you will notice thay dont list any of the essential vit needed for these fish. no single type of food will give 100% of the required amounts of essential nutrients needed by any species the key is variety
Okay, I'll bite and take this a step further.
Formula One also lists specific ingredients as:
Shrimp, krill, spinach, clams, krill hydrolsate, sardine meal, plankton, salmon egg oil, squid, kelp, lecithin, paprika, canthaxanthin, cod liver oil, astaxanthin, vitamins
(choline chloride, ascorbic acid including stablized vitamin C, vitamin E supplement, niacin, thiamine mononitrate, folic acid, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, menadione sodium bislfite complex, vitamin A acetate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, Vitamin B-12 supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, beta-carotene supplement, biotin)
amino acids (dimethionine, taurine, lysine), trace elements (manganese sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium Selentine).
Needless to say, this is why the Formula foods appear to be popular, between the proteins and the vitamins.
Denise M.


Active Member
i totally agree i was going to do the same thing but the words were so small i didnt want to freeze my fingers off holding the pack close enough to read lol.the list goes on and on for good healthy foods


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
i totally agree i was going to do the same thing but the words were so small i didnt want to freeze my fingers off holding the pack close enough to read lol.the list goes on and on for good healthy foods
hahaha! I didn't get cold doing it, but my desk got a little damp!

Yep, Formula products are great. Yes, variety is important. I alternate different foods daily so everyone stays healthy.
I am often told by my husband that the fish eat better than we do. After reading the ingredients on the Formula One, maybe I should place a serving on his plate and get out of cooking totally, since he likes sarcasm so much!

Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Merredeth
hahaha! I didn't get cold doing it, but my desk got a little damp!

Yep, Formula products are great. Yes, variety is important. I alternate different foods daily so everyone stays healthy.
I am often told by my husband that the fish eat better than we do. After reading the ingredients on the Formula One, maybe I should place a serving on his plate and get out of cooking totally, since he likes sarcasm so much!

Denise M.

My partner says the samething!!


While I hate to get in the middle of a nutritional debate, my 2nd clown is for some reason still alive...I tried some Mysis shrimp again tonight (with Garlic Guard), and I acutually saw him/her eat maybe 1 or 2 bites...
I think I'm still on the death watch... I just did a 17% (8 Gal / 46 Gal Tank) Water Change even thought all my tests have still been within all the normal limits.....
Maybe he will eat a little more tomorrow and acutally pull through, although I'm not holding my breath... He's on the 5th day of his fishy "hunger strike" (his partner died on day #2 from lack of food I think, and was prompty eaten by my Clean up crew... nice $10 meal).
There were also fresh out of the bag at the LFS, so going into that tank, and then out again into mine right away might have been extreme shock...although the LFS said they were eating at the store before I bought them
It's weird, becuase one minute he is literally laying on the sand leaning on the side of the tanks, and the next he is swimming back and forth with the Chromis and then into one of the Live Rock Caves to hide...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mikeyjer

My partner says the samething!!

He can say whatever he wants, but he better not take a fillet knife near my tanks! :scared:
Denise M.