I have a 90g nicely stocked yello tang, clown fish, clown trigger, a few damsels, 2 blennies and this was before i bought the green wolf eel. Today all i have left is the Yellow tang and 2 damsels. He ate my clown fish my blennies, my clown trigger just died out of no where i dont know if it was stress. I did a 20% water change and the fish that were left were good yesterday my wife tells me that 2 domino damsels and a black stripe damsel died. could it be the wolf eel thats stressing them out or what. I feed him every other day he eats about 4 pieces of krill and then goes down and stays there. Im about to take his behind out. The tank has been up for 2 yrs. I had just added the eel about a month ago? Please help