Wolf EEELLL!!!!



I have a 90g nicely stocked yello tang, clown fish, clown trigger, a few damsels, 2 blennies and this was before i bought the green wolf eel. Today all i have left is the Yellow tang and 2 damsels. He ate my clown fish my blennies, my clown trigger just died out of no where i dont know if it was stress. I did a 20% water change and the fish that were left were good yesterday my wife tells me that 2 domino damsels and a black stripe damsel died. could it be the wolf eel thats stressing them out or what. I feed him every other day he eats about 4 pieces of krill and then goes down and stays there. Im about to take his behind out. The tank has been up for 2 yrs. I had just added the eel about a month ago? Please help


Active Member
How long was the Clown Trigger in there? What are your water parameters? Its pretty tough to stress an established Clown Trig....But yes, like Cars&sharks said, a Green Wolf Eel (which is actually a Blenny, not a real Eel) will eat anything it can.


Wolf eels are actually a family member of pseudochromis.
Anyway, I found them to sample pretty much every fish in the tank. If it fit , he'd eat it. Your experience appears similar.
My experience has been you have to have tankmates, considerably bigger than 3X the head of this fish to be safe.


Like what Frank suggested here is there be just one other minor problem in doing so, and that is that there be no guarantee that it still couldn't take a bite out of that larger fish. Over all, the best idea in this tank would be to have a mating pair of wolf eels in which over all is proven to be the best in having a species only tank, and then if your water quality is excellent, you could watch them develop many young, in which case you would then require a secondary tank as well. If you not understood me, your best as a species only tank, and they would mate for life.


Active Member
I just returned my green wolf eel to my lfs, after having for a year with no problems he snapped last week, and began eating every piece of food put into the tank, including the tangs algae sheets (3or4 a day) leaving my tangs with no veggies, in addition to this he began to bite my 2 lions, tusk, paddlefin wrasse, and yellow tang in spite of the fact they are much to large for him to eat. I couldn't even put my hand in the tank with him attacking me.
I used to really like this eel (blenny) and considered it a great fish because it was active, and never hid like most eels. After seeing it go postal I don't think I would trust another one.


yeah i think im going to have to take him back to because im not willing to let the rest of the fish die. i dont want to have a tank just for an eel. Its pretty said though cuz the LFS said oh he is good and bla bla bla. When i tell him he ate some of the fish he's like oh thats odd. Gets me soo mad.


Originally Posted by soldier
yeah i think im going to have to take him back to because im not willing to let the rest of the fish die. i dont want to have a tank just for an eel. Its pretty said though cuz the LFS said oh he is good and bla bla bla. When i tell him he ate some of the fish he's like oh thats odd. Gets me soo mad.
Its all too often that a LFS not told one such major details as to what you will have in trying to mix certain marine animals in so small an aquarium. The major thing here is that they make money from your loses :(