

Well after many months of researching/Planing I finally starting my 55 gal. reef!!!! I have 69 pounds of fiji rock coming. And tomarrow is the big day!!!!!! Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!
here is a pic.


Active Member
gezz.... thats a lot of water u have there.. bet it was a pain in the BUTT to carry all of em.. but hey.. i bet it was worth the effort... looks like the begining of a nice tank..


I have A ro unit or something in my house but Im on a well so I didnt want to risk it. What is the best water to use?


Active Member
Very true but you don't know how good that water is. If you are talking about the machine, make sure you check the filter change date. If you are talking about the sealed gallon jugs, it is most likely distilled water.
Salty, if you replace all the filters/membrane in your filter, it should be good to go.


Active Member
A RO filter uses a membrane to filter the water. Only 99% pure water flows through the membrane. The membrane is only good for about 1500 gallons. Do you know what brand you have?


Active Member
OHHH...yes it is. Distilled is fine. It just goes through a different purification process. You shouldn't have any problems with what you have now.


Active Member
Distilled is fine but RO is better, distilled may be to pure, so use the distilled but do get RO from now on if possible. The water from WallMart is RO the company is culligan.


Yep...normal...Really freaked me out when I set up my 55, but it was fine.
I didn't have internet access at that time, so I just had to hope and keep my fingers crossed...
P.S. Good luck to you!