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OK, I want all the financial experts and Obama Haters here to explain something to me. If McCain or any of your Ultra Conservative candidates would've won the presidency, what would they be doing now? If what Obama is doing is wrong in your eyes, what should he be doing? That's the problem I have with your constant complaints about what Obama is trying to do to get the economy turned around. Nobody is saying what he should be doing.
Let's take the Conservative approach I always hear - "They should've just let the banks fail or go into bankruptcy. Let the Big 3 fail, someone will take their place." How would this resolve anything? From what I get out of this mess, pretty much every major bank in this country gave out these sub-prime, interest only loans. Of course every bank started doing it because they had to compete for the loan business. That's where banks make most of their money. All of a sudden, the realization came that these people the banks loaned money to couldn't pay them back. Why? Because they attached these 3 or 5 year ARM's on the loan, and the loan payment jumped up 20% - 30% in one year. So all these loans go into default. Now the banks are stuck with loans that can't be repaid, and property that has devaluated because of market conditions. Since the banks don't have capital to keep operating, they go bankrupt and shut their doors. What happens to all these mortgages that are still out there? Do the people who have them just say, "Hey! The bank is closed! We no longer have to pay back our
! Our house is free!!!" Somebody has to take over the loans. But who? If another bank takes over all the closed banks assets, they're stuck with this useless debt. They get burdened, so they go bankrupt. And so on, and so on. Isn't that how the Great Depression started?
When the banks have problems, consumers and businesses follow. If the banks can't loan anymore money out, then consumers can't get loans for cars, homes, starting new businesses, etc. Businesses can't get loans to increase their inventories, buy new equipment, start new locations. So the businesses start to fail because people aren't buying. Housing market tanks because no one can get a
loan, and the builder can't get a construction loan to by the materials to build the home. A glut in the housing market (due to foreclosures) keeps new homes from being built, and values of properties start to fall. People lose equity in their homes. People can't get loans to buy new cars. Add the $4.00 - $5.00 gas prices last summer, and that's why the Big 3 can't sell enough cars to stay afloat. Doesn't matter who builds cars (Kia, Hyundai, Toyota, Honda), none of them can sell cars because there are no loans available, and everyone is afraid to commit to a large expenditure like that. Why are they afraid? Because the companies they work for start going under, and they are either unemployed, have their hours cut back, or have already lost their jobs.
So if the government can't help stabilize these banks, what are the alternatives? You can't turn back the clock or build a Flux Capacitor and make these stupid decisions go away. This is what we have. So someone, anyone, tell me what a Republican/Conservative would do that would be any different than what Obama is attempting to do.
Here is the whole problem. McCain is no "conservative".
We are normal. You are the aberration.
3rd, look at margaret thatcher and the coal miners. That is a good idea. At some point you HAVE to allow the markets to correct from the abosultely HORRIBLE government policies that caused these problems to begin with. Such has government creating a shell company to remove the risk of lending to the "subprime" market and take the risk upon themselves. Creating a moral hazard. Where they had no risk so they gave money to everyone. All in the name of affordable housing.
Had democrats not circled the wagons and said, "what you don't want black people to own houses?" or "these are perfectly safe investments." We wouldnt' be in this place today.