yes i account for them every day. my rock work is very open and my tanks are in walls with utility rooms behind them so i can look at every part of my tanks easily and quickly.
sorry i got your post confused with another post where the guy lost most of his seahorses to a cuke. thats my fault.
ill dig through my magazines tonight to see if i can find the article talking about cukes if i have time.
well tomato tomatoe i suppose. you call it luck i call it good husbandry. i do agree the sea apple is a big risk but hes also made it through a crash and a fast cycle and 4 different acclimations when i transferred stuff around so hes more than hardy enough but often enough people throw them in unseasoned tanks and disasters result. he along with some of the colorful ones are in the 225 which has a very large skimmer, carbon and a fuge on it as well as other filters so if anything does by chance happen the tank will be able to take it.
sorry i got your post confused with another post where the guy lost most of his seahorses to a cuke. thats my fault.
ill dig through my magazines tonight to see if i can find the article talking about cukes if i have time.
well tomato tomatoe i suppose. you call it luck i call it good husbandry. i do agree the sea apple is a big risk but hes also made it through a crash and a fast cycle and 4 different acclimations when i transferred stuff around so hes more than hardy enough but often enough people throw them in unseasoned tanks and disasters result. he along with some of the colorful ones are in the 225 which has a very large skimmer, carbon and a fuge on it as well as other filters so if anything does by chance happen the tank will be able to take it.