Originally Posted by
I am not trying to say that EVERY cuke is going to poison EVERY tank.....I'm just relating what happened to me. I would advise people not to chance ANY of the cukes, but that is everybody elses decision to make. If that is sullying the reputation of cukes, then so be it......if you choose to keep them then I certainly wish you better luck than I.
Caveat emptor
i guess i took that as a condemming of all cukes. while im perfectly ok with sharing experiences, i also believe that condeming an organism with out proper reason other then the hobbiest inability to keep it alive(anenomes, sps , some fish) or the freak chance it got sucked into a power head or in your case the sump is wrong.
if you want to give a warning by all means but i believe you couldve gone about if better if you had said it like " if you ever plan to keep a cuke think twice and do your research" and then shared your bad misfortune as personal evidence. they truely are blessing when propperly kept in reef and fowlr tanks and they carry a bad name by the few bad misfortunes cause as most people know mass populations remebers bad experiences far better then they do the good ones.
i really do sympathize for you and your bad misfortune, but i love this hobby and everything in it so i just dont like when a few of the hidden jewels(mainly cukes/hermit crabs) get bashed with out solid evidence.
as a word of caution or advice for anyone reading this thread to help prevent this from happening to you a simple piece of window screen over the overflow box in the tank secured with either e-poxy or another method will prevent this and sponges on any powerheads you may have that have intake suction(maxijet and the equals) to use sponges.
other then that only active watching of your tank every day and propper placement of the powerheads is your best friend. cukes primarily stay on the sand and lower rocks and also rarely venture up the rocks or glass(ive never seen any of mine higher then say 3-4 inches off the sand and i have 12 total between my tanks) so if you do want to place the powerheads close to the bottom to blow out the bottom area behind the rocks or another reason then put them upside down to decrease the chance theyll get close to the intake.
sorry for derailing the thread it wasnt my intention and i hope you are able to recover your tank and dont give up on the hobby like many others would. if you ever decide to have a change of heart on the cukes let me know and ill give you some other pointers

happy reefing