Worm like thing under rocks..

Okay so I was looking through my tank trying to find my diamond goby because I haven't seen him in a couple days. I looked through a rock that has a hole in it and I saw this huge worm like think with small tentacles on it. It almost looked like a brittle star. But it was a pinkish color, and when I came up closer to the glass it zipped back underneath the rock. I cant get a picture and I cant even begin to think what it is..any help would be appreciated!

bang guy

The chances of it being harmful are about 1 in 10,000 but that doesn't mean there's no chance.
If you can get a good clear picture of the head I could tell you more.


Active Member
yeah most of them are harmless and get pretty big. Just be carefull not to touch it. I have been stung by them with no ill effects but I have herd some horror stories. And a clear pic of it would be needed to confirm it is indeed a bristle worm. But sure sounds like one from you description. there good at eating uneatin food. Also if you seen one there is a very good chance you have alot more. I would not worry about them. Most crabs and some shrimp along with certian fish will eat them so there are a food source in your tank
Yeah this one is HUGE! stretches along one of my base rocks! It wouldn't hae sucked up if it was a brittle star it would have just moved.


Active Member
Keep it, it can help clean spots in your rocks that you can't or don't maintain regularly. If their populations get out of control grab a sixline or cleaner wrasse the love them.