Worm on soft coral

yosemite sam

Active Member
I've had this Stereonephthya for several weeks but I just noticed this worm a few days ago. I thought it was a small brittle star at first, as I've had some on other soft corals, but it's definitely a worm. It's probably 6" - 8" long, and as thick as angel-hair pasta. It doesn't appear to be hurting the coral, but has anyone every seen anything similar? It's pretty active, crawling all over the coral.
Here's most of it:

And a close-up:


Active Member
i have no clue wht htat is, but i'll agree with nissan... that's a fargin nice camera and picture talent!


Active Member
Does it move like a super fast millipede/centipede?
I do have a Dorvilleidae variety that have stripes. The detail of your shots could be throwing me off.


Active Member
well, there are symbiotic relationships with corals and crabs and other beings, so maybe you found a new one.
have you contacted your local university? i know UCONN has a division that would probably look at your pic, but i've never received a response

yosemite sam

Active Member
Yeah, I spend a lot of time watching the tank! Actually, the worm is pretty obvious once you look at the coral. I'm surprised it took me as long as it did to notice it!