

Can anyone tell by the photos attached what kind of worm this is I found in my tank! It was in the corner half way up the side!



Hopefully this is a better picture, this worm was about 1 inch long, lots bigger! Let me know what you all think they are?



Active Member
some species of bristleworms are poinsonis and can be preditory. however, because there are so many, it is hard to get an exact ID. But there are so few that are ever seen in the aquarium trade and they are also very rare. The one you have there is most likely a beneficial scavenger. he eats any extra food around, just acts as part of yoru clean up crew. They will only be a problem if you are keeping something like a tridanca clam. They will burrow into it through the foot and eventualy kill the clam


What do you guys do with unwanted critters in your tank? Do you just flush them or put them in a bag for the trash?


Active Member
the only thing that ive pulled out that were unwanted were some flat worms. I just put them down the sink.


Active Member
most will not. It does appear that you have a fireworm. Which is jsut a scavenger and a clam eater. But not corals to my knowledge. I had a bunch before i got my coral banded shrimp and started feeding less.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
The Fireworm pictured cannot eat live animals. It will be a perfect detrivore.
i thought fire worms will burrow into clams too. entering through the foot? That is what i have been told. Not sure if it is entirely true though. All i know is that my coral banded may eat shrimp and try attacking my moroon clown Nepoleon, but at least he keeps my clam safe. lol

bang guy

Originally Posted by fishieness
i thought fire worms will burrow into clams too. entering through the foot? That is what i have been told.
This is a myth. When clams start to die Fireworms will come from every hole in every rock to join in on the feast. Hobbiests find it more comforting to blame the worms instead of their husbandry skills.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
This is a myth. When clams start to die Fireworms will come from every hole in every rock to join in on the feast. Hobbiests find it more comforting to blame the worms instead of their husbandry skills.
wow! good to know! thanks! ive only seen one in the past like 2 months because of my CBS and since i only have one fish, i spot feed thelittle bugger. Thanks for clearing that up though! :joy: