Worms with feathers? Anyone know?

mr. limpid

Active Member
It looks more like the start of some kind of algae growth. I don't see a tube, do they contract if you pass your hand by it?


Well-Known Member
I had that, and at first hoped it was the start of feather caulerpa, but it stays small....it was bryopsis...a bad algae. It is on a runner like caulerpa so it shouldn't be hard to remove it at this early stage. It grows fast and is a problem if it gets out of hand.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SABandit http:///t/391905/worms-with-feathers-anyone-know#post_3477676
Hope this isnt a dumb question, but what is the best way to remove it?

Never a dumb question...they are very young/small they grow on a single runner (vine) just grab the largest as low as possible and gently pull, the rest should follow right along, if the connecting vine breaks get hold of the next little plant and continue. They grow on the rocks in the beginning, and they don't have good roots.