

Ok, am I supposed to worry. I know you're supposed to have worms in you tank. Little ones right? I've noticed three or for worms that I use to go fishing. These things are the size of eath worms. Some even bigger. The three I am referring to are the size of night crawlers. You know, those big canadian worms for fishing. Are these ok? Or should I start to panic? It looks like a neverending booger hanging from the rock...6 inches right now.
P.S. When you freshwater fish, never saltwater...


Sponge post? I just wanna know if they are ok, or do I need to panic. I am looking foward to putting my corals in soon.


It doesn't phase me in the least. One of the biggest things I enjoy about a reef tank is the rock.....all the hitchhikers you get. I knew you had worms in the tank, but never saw tham that big. My concern was not that they were ugly, my concern was were they ok. I don't want to put in corals to find them eaten. This hobby isn't cheap you know. All I was doing was checking to see if they were OK in the tank. I'm a newbie at this. Only 40 posts. I like being able to talk to people that will be honest, not rude. Obviously if I didn't like to look at them, I would have pulled them out without asking if they were alright to stay in the tank, now wouldn't I?

bang guy

Jonthefb did answer your question. He had no intention of appearing rude. Peace :)
Your Bristle worm is most likely beneficial. Out of the 10,000 species a few are predators.
I am of the believe that most of your Brisle worm population should be of the smaller worms with several really large ones for continuity. This is the healthiest makup for your tank IMO.
Bottom line - Keep them :)


Thanks for the advice. If I mistook you Jon, I apologize. Didn't know if your intentions were different.