

When my Live Rock come the other day and I was cleaning it off I noticed a couple pieces had some worms in it. At the time they looked kind of like a tube. some 1" others 3". Kind of tan in color. I thought they were dead so I pulled most of them out of the rock.
Today my water is clearing up pretty decent so Im in there moving the rocks around and I noticed more of these worms! but they are alive! One is kind of grey with a couple white stripes on him. hes about 2" sticking out of the rock and how ever long inside of it.
What are they
and should I continue removing them?


i found a few of those in my tank. answer i got was a penut worm. They are said to be beneficial to a tank since they eat the detrius.... hope that helps


Jt... From a place in California.
I'd rather not mention the name since it wasnt SWF.com
Im still new here and do not know how well things like that go over...
Thank elan, I can sleep a little better now. I hope they arent something that will infest the rocks. Beneficial they may be but they are an eye sore.
I should have taken a picture of one of the tan ones before I threw them out. They had a different look to them. Kind of blocky on the end. :confused:

bang guy

I don't remember the name of the worm in the picture. I know they are uncommon and I know they can eat other worms :( It's not a Peanut worm. They will not venture far from their rock and would probably starve in a matter of months. I do not believe you need to go to great lengths to get rid of them.


opps... sorry... i would go with the opinion of bang guy over me anyday....lol