WorrBaller's 5.5 gal Nano


Originally Posted by WorrBaller
A few of the star polyps peeked out early this morning but now its all closed up again. I know its too early to be worried but I'm just thinking is there anything I can do for it? Like feed it or add some sort of coral happy juice?
Oh and I was also wondering what should the temperature range be? Mine go from 76 to 78 or 79 by lights out. Is that too cold?

try to keep your temp range as close as possible. If at the end of the night your tank is 79, turn your heater to 78. It will depend on your house temp for the different seasons but the less change you have the better.
as far as too cold, check what your livestock require for temps, most will say 72-78, but alot of us are in the 79-81 range.


Okay, I think I'll leave it as is. I don't have a heater so I have no choice.
Who would have thought that I would need a heater in Arizona lol.


Originally Posted by WorrBaller
Okay, I think I'll leave it as is. I don't have a heater so I have no choice.
Who would have thought that I would need a heater in Arizona lol.
yeah really, can you open a window..


My star polyps are doing great! Almost all of them have opened. I moved them cause I thought they were getting too much flow; I don't know if I was right but it worked out for the best.

And a full tank shot just for fun.


My cerith snails haven't moved since I bought them. They're probably toast aren't they?
How can you tell they're dead besides not moving?


Sooooo I checked out my snails last night. Picked one up saw him tucked up inside; okay so far so good. Checked out the other one....
An inch long bristle worm shot out and scared the crap out of me

Needless to say I tossed 'em both.
Now I need to get two more snails. Any suggestions or just replacements.
Also I'm thinking about getting the hi fin red banded goby and the rayford (I think) pistol shrimp. Should I get them both at the same time or can i do it one by one?
my stock list for snails in my 5.5 is 4 small nassarius snails and 2 rather large cerith snails. Ill be keeping an eye on them because im afraid they wont get enough food but so far my tank is rather spotless minus the small cyano ive been watching closely. I didnt read the whole thread but it sounds like you only have 2 cerith? small nassarius snails will definitely help, and they are cool to watch burrow into the sand


I had two cerith lol. They didn't last very long
I also have two astrea. I need to pick up some nassarius I think I'll get them first and see how they do.
I've been looking at yours and other 5.5 gal tanks on the site and I've been really looking forward to getting more corals so I can keep up with you guys lol.
oh god i wish i could even say mine was looking good. My xenia didnt take to the glue very well when my friend fragged it for me so it broke off, i got part to attatch to a rock and the otherhalf then broke off and is now in the sand. Its very frustrating because i love xenia and the thing keeps floating away. Yours will look great im sure


Just got back from the lfs with two new nass snails. These guys are quick! Hopefully they'll take care of my cyano problem.
Also still wondering about the pistol shrimp/goby question. Is it okay to get one of them and not the other at first? Will they still... like each other?


Darn nass snails. I get them so I can see them do their magic and poof! Down into the sand; I'll never see them again lol.
Now that I have this tank up and running, I realize how limited I am in what I can get. And also I realize that I am more into fish then corals.
I'm still keeping this tank for a while and trying my hand in keeping corals as it is a learning experience and that is why I got into this hobby in the first place.
rebel youre running the 18" nova extreme correct? like 36w or something? How are you doing in terms of coral growth with those?


I've got Coralife 8" dual pc. Its tiny but it works. I wanna get t5 but haven't found any small enough. So I think I'll just look for a bigger tank lol.
Ya it seems to be going well, just really slow (darn budget).


So i got my first fish yesterday! A black clown goby. The guy at the store said it was some different species of black clown because it has a spiked dorsal. Whether thats true or not his name now is...
Ya not creative but it fits. lol

P.S. I'll get pictures once the light comes on and he stops hiding


So far Spike has been hiding all day. He is one shy fish.
Or maybe it was that 20% water change I did lol. No pictures yet but as soon as i see him I'll snap some off.


Rearranged the aquascape (and added new background)

Star Polyps again, as happy as can be (they finally attached to the rock!)

One of my nass snails just chilling

I think this is red bubble kelp but I'm not to sure can anyone id?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
oh god i wish i could even say mine was looking good. My xenia didnt take to the glue very well when my friend fragged it for me so it broke off, i got part to attatch to a rock and the otherhalf then broke off and is now in the sand. Its very frustrating because i love xenia and the thing keeps floating away. Yours will look great im sure
Pin it down with some rubble, it will attach itself. :)



I don't think he is happy. I've seen him darker before but then last night I saw that he isn't really eating. Any advise?

Does he need to be fed twice a day or just once?