Well, BabyB.
You've already found out that Sharks & rays don't mix well triggers(or Puffers, or Angels, or damsels).
In fact there aren't many fish that sharks & rays get along with.
But here's a possible short list -
-other sharks & rays(species dependant)
- eels (species dependant)
- remoras (usually)
- pilot fish & jacks(usually)
- crabs (sometimes)
- cleaner shrimp(sometimes)
- snails (some times).
The main rule to think about is not every fish/invert on this list will be able to stay with every type of aquarium shark.
But the truth is the best type of tank to keep sharks and/or rays is a "species only tank". By that I mean you could keep a couple of different species together in the same tank/pool. - but not to have other types of fish in the tank(pool), with them.
Your best sharks to group together is the Coral Catshark(or Marbled), any of the Bamboos, and the Epaulette.
The Horn is better in a single species tank/pool since it generally perfers cooler water than the others.
i dont want a ray and im also saveing for another pond that has a footprint of 6 or 8 ft cant rem right now
Go with the 8 footer. You'll be happier and so will the shark(s).
Just remember to increase the filtration systems volume to at least 6 x the pool's volume.
By the way a 8ft diameter pool with a 2 ft depth has a volume of 750 gallons.
how long should i be in it or befor i start trying to house such animals
the shark would not be done right now it would be after the other pond is up and running
You need to wait until your pond is full cycled before adding any sharks to your pool. Most Sharks & Rays don't tolerate even low levels of Nitrates, Nitrites or Ammonia very well. For sharks do best in Ideal water conditions - meaning no ammonia, nitrites or nitrates.
I'm sure you already know to keep the live sand & rocks - they do the pool good.