worst day


Active Member
i have had the worst few days, i was in the process of switching everything to my new pond and my nig trigger killed 4 or 5 fish and my new sting ray and in killing the stingray she got spired and died to, i had had her for about a year and was one of my favorite fish until she killed about $300 worth of livestock,now the only thing i have in my pond is a small puffer
its a 250 what else could i put in there
i went to the lfs and was telling ym fish guy and all he could say was thats a trigger for ya, he couldnt believe it either
it been such a sad week


Active Member
im really sorry to hear about ur tank.. u should get a shovelnose shark, froom what i hear they do well in ponds. maybe u could get a stargazer, just be careful, from what i hear they have enough power to jumpstart a small car.


Active Member
o ya and my baby df lion died but he was in my reef and not really sure y he died


Active Member
I got one better for ya...I had a medusa worm get sucked into my return pump..the toxin basically killed off my 300..


Active Member
well im going to the lfs to see about getting soemhing for my pond any sugestions


Active Member
u could get a shovelnose shark or an epaulette or something like that, maybe a ray, or a marbled bamboo shark, or a banjo shark, hard to get so do some mighty fine lookin


Active Member
hes about a foot and a half my fish guy and i have been talking about purses, what would i have to do to be able to hatch a shark out


Active Member
first is your pond cyucled yet?? how much and what kind of sand?? where are some pictures?? i would liek to see the filtration especially before you go jumping into messy eaters such as sharks and rays.. what kind of skimmer especially?? refugium? etc. etc.??
your worse days tory makes me worried that you jumping into this too quick without planning, we all wanna see your tank do awesome but slopw down and figure things out first! we are all here to try and help


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
u could get a shovelnose shark or an epaulette or something like that, maybe a ray, or a marbled bamboo shark, or a banjo shark, hard to get so do some mighty fine lookin
Whats hard to get? a banjo shark? i have a website that sells them if anyone wants it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sebae09
Whats hard to get? a banjo shark? i have a website that sells them if anyone wants it.
well i no a place to but we dont want the mods goin "dont post links to other sites or we'll make u disappear if u no what i mean!"


Active Member
ok that was alot of q ill do my best
the tank was a trasfer i took everything out of my 125 and then just filled the rest it has been setting for about a week so everything has had time to settle
i have 200lbs of l rock and 150 lbs of ls and 50 lbs of playsand
im not sure of the brand of filter but it is rated for a 5oo gallon pond
i have a 55 that im about set up for the sump/ fuge but im not really sure how to ( help would be awsome)
i dont have a skimmer yet( am saveing)
thank you for the help i realy apreciate it


Active Member
This is not meant to sound rude, AT ALL, so please only take it as constructive...
I dont think you've been in the hobby long enough to be jumping into caring for sharks and rays.
IMO, your pond is not set up properly to be housing such animals.
sebae09...could you please email such links?


Active Member
i dont want a ray and im also saveing for another pond that has a footprint of 6 or 8 ft cant rem right now
how long should i be in it or befor i start trying to house such animals
the shark would not be done right now it would be after the other pond is up and running


Active Member
Originally Posted by BabyB
my nig trigger killed 4 or 5 fish and my new sting ray and in killing the stingray she got spired and died to

Originally Posted by BabyB

i dont want a ray

More research/reading...and, you need to have everything up and going before you start looking to purchase (i.e. - skimmer up and going, pond cycled for a number of weeks/months, etc).


Well, BabyB.
You've already found out that Sharks & rays don't mix well triggers(or Puffers, or Angels, or damsels).
In fact there aren't many fish that sharks & rays get along with.
But here's a possible short list -
-other sharks & rays(species dependant)
- eels (species dependant)
- remoras (usually)
- pilot fish & jacks(usually)
- crabs (sometimes)
- cleaner shrimp(sometimes)
- snails (some times).
The main rule to think about is not every fish/invert on this list will be able to stay with every type of aquarium shark.
But the truth is the best type of tank to keep sharks and/or rays is a "species only tank". By that I mean you could keep a couple of different species together in the same tank/pool. - but not to have other types of fish in the tank(pool), with them.
Your best sharks to group together is the Coral Catshark(or Marbled), any of the Bamboos, and the Epaulette.
The Horn is better in a single species tank/pool since it generally perfers cooler water than the others.
i dont want a ray and im also saveing for another pond that has a footprint of 6 or 8 ft cant rem right now
Go with the 8 footer. You'll be happier and so will the shark(s).
Just remember to increase the filtration systems volume to at least 6 x the pool's volume.
By the way a 8ft diameter pool with a 2 ft depth has a volume of 750 gallons.
how long should i be in it or befor i start trying to house such animals
the shark would not be done right now it would be after the other pond is up and running
You need to wait until your pond is full cycled before adding any sharks to your pool. Most Sharks & Rays don't tolerate even low levels of Nitrates, Nitrites or Ammonia very well. For sharks do best in Ideal water conditions - meaning no ammonia, nitrites or nitrates.
I'm sure you already know to keep the live sand & rocks - they do the pool good.