worst fish


Active Member
ok i was thinking, whats the worst agg fish to have w/ other fish? is it the clown or fimby eel...... or some other evil vicious thing


Active Member
Those cute little Humus that suddenly decide to spend a minute or so to kill every other fish in the tank.


undulated triggers
i think all of their speicies is feeling out right disrespect for not being mentioned earlier in this post lol


Active Member
since ive nevr seen a bad undy i could not say from experience that they are bad. i am sry undys of the world


i had a powder blue grouper with yellow fins. not sure exactly the name of this species but holy cow. what a pain this guy was. he was so relentless with any food put into the dt. even tried to eat my yellow tang 3 times. luckily could not fit him into his mouth let alone down his throat.
ended up returning him to lfs. never have seen anything so aggressive. i could not even reach into the tank for any reason at all (rearrange rock, etc)
undulated is just evil i had a small one with a clown trigger, niger,and humu . one day during feeding time he decided to rip the humus eye out than caught him eating my niger that was trapped in a hugh sea shell .at one point i had a medium size clown trigger rip my tess to 3 pcs , very mean
Originally Posted by psusocr1
my point as to why you shouldnt keep a shark with any of these fish,, because he will die next
i under stand your statement but all triggers are not the same i now of a pet shop that has had a clown trigger with a nurse shark and a cat shark and no problems they are in a 300 gallon for about 1yr . i have seen tomato clowns pick on a leopard shark it made the shark jump out of the tank , every fish is different . i had a tomato clown control the tank he is with a clown trigger dogface puffer and a huge french .


Active Member
i know the wrath of the damsels now that u mention. three stripes r spawns of the devils hand, when i had my first eels i remember the three stripes would come up behind the eels and pick on their tails. thank god my friend took em


Active Member
i now of a pet shop that has had a clown trigger with a nurse shark and a cat shark and no problems they are in a 300 gallon for about 1yr .
my point as to a bad pet store...this may be where you get your ideas to keep them together since this pet shop evan has a nurse shark let alone in a 300 gallon tank yet again with uncompatable fish...