Worst Name Ever!


Active Member
January 16, 2006
Fuk King Kwok was waiting for his driver's license to be printed when his name was called and a chuckling Illinois secretary of state employee offered some advice.
"She [said] this is a dangerous name," the Chinese immigrant recalled. "She [said] the name translated is not so good, maybe I should change [it]. The word I hear is not so good."
Not so good, indeed.
That clerk, like so many other Americans who have said his name since he came to Chicago in 1999, didn't pronounce his first name the proper way -- "fook."
Instead, she and the others would pronounce his name with an "uh" sound instead of the "oo" -- in other words, like the granddaddy of all swear words.
"And my middle name is terrible, too," he admitted. "That combination becomes very terrible."
Last month in Cook County Circuit Court -- three years after that clerk offered the advice -- Fuk King Kwok changed his name.
He's now Andy Kwok.
"Before I came to United States, no problems," he said, before nervously laughing. "But in translation to English, it sounds like . . . the word . . . you know ... sometimes language is not so convenient and sometimes I'm embarrassed, you know?"


lol, translation can be a funny thing. My marketing teacher was telling us about this one advertisement gone bad. It was hunts, and they were going to start selling tomato paste in japan. However, when they started marketing it, the japanese words they were using turned out to translate to "tomato glue"... needless to say, it didn't go over well.


actually it's no go... It was like advertising a car that wouldn't drive... lol


Active Member
They also had a problem selling the "El Camino" it means the road... Chevy was trying to sell a car that wouldnt go and a piece of the road... Marketing Genius!!!


Active Member
Our hometown is a little place called Fertile, MN. The newspapers loved when they could use this in any headlines. A couple were "Fertile woman has triplets" and "Fertile woman dies in Climax on her way to Moorhead". Needless to say, they got a little feedback from the last one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
i thought camino meant i walk...
its actual translation is - lane, route, way, or road...


Active Member
how about bad names for kids?
jonathan davis from Korn named his son "Pirate"
dont these people remember what its like to be in high school ? i can only imagine what his classmates will be calling him growing up.
how about gweneth's daughter "apple" ?
thats just as bad, especially if she gets around in high school.
some peeps just dont think....


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
how about bad names for kids?
jonathan davis from Korn named his son "Pirate"
dont these people remember what its like to be in high school ? i can only imagine what his classmates will be calling him growing up.
how about gweneth's daughter "apple" ?
thats just as bad, especially if she gets around in high school.
some peeps just dont think....
what about the Zappas...moon unit one or dweezil and Amit...
what about Sean Penn's son - Hopper...
Michael Jackson's son - Blanket...
there are so many freakin weird names from actors and performers!!!


Active Member

Man, that is hilarious.
J. Davis must have really been upset with having a kid to name him Pirate. His son is going to hate him.

37g joe

My sisters ex husband has a daughter named Ivory Rain por kid they are gona think she is some sort of soap.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shu-perman
I just built a dental office for a Dr. Richard Harder,jr
I used to work with a guy named Harold Richard Stump... he went by Rick needless to say


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
how about bad names for kids?
jonathan davis from Korn named his son "Pirate"
dont these people remember what its like to be in high school ? i can only imagine what his classmates will be calling him growing up.
how about gweneth's daughter "apple" ?
thats just as bad, especially if she gets around in high school.
some peeps just dont think....
i can top this.
My firend got married a few years back and she is a school teacher (3rd grade)
HEr maid of honor and another brides maid are teacheers as well.
At her bridal shower this same subject came up. I thought i had the clincher.
I went to school with a Jack Nowack.
I was wrong.
One of the teacher's had a new student that year. MODS please read before DELETING!!
I feel so bad for this little girl.
The teacher was EXTREMELY afraid to say her name out loud due to the spelling (this little girl's family is Palistininan, i have no idea if this is a traditional name or not) so she asked her to pronounce her name for her.
Shhhhhhiiiiiadd was what she replied but how it is spelled is S H * T H E A D.


Active Member
My Grandmother has been a member of a club for over 50 years... She is the only charter member remaining... she has this scrap book full of birthdays, awards, pictures, obituaries and weddings... One of the members daughters got married to a Mr. Johnson... her last name was Cox... thus making it the Johnson - Cox wedding...
I have tried to convince her that it should be sent to the Leno show...