A guy I went to school w/ was named Woodcoch but w/ a k instead of h...we all tease his g/f by calling her splinter lips...kids can be soooo mean sometimes....once he turned 21 he legally changed it to Woods
Originally Posted by swlover
My foot Dr is Dr Hanc*ck..and he's younger than me..I wonder how much he got teased as a kid??? :scared:
That's my Husband's last name.
Aside from being the subject of teenage stupidity, it happens to be a very prestigious name -
Declaration of Independance anyone?
Originally Posted by Mimzy
That's my Husband's last name.
Aside from being the subject of teenage stupidity, it happens to be a very prestigious name -
Declaration of Independance anyone?
Well thats what this thread is about...didn't mean to make anyone angry. I wasn't making fun, just stating the obvious..kids will poke fun...my last name is Walton..you know how many times I've heard the John Boy thing..you got to roll with it. Walton was on the Declaration too.
We used to switch the first letter in our names with the first letter of our last names and vise versa when we were kids..sounded pretty funny. An old friend of mine is Boy Raggly (Roy Baggly) and his brother Bick Naggly.
Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
My own uncle's first name is Christopher and his last name is Cross.
ya, that makes Mr. CrissCross thank God he didn't have crossed eyes or something.
Wasn't he a singer??? "Sailing takes me away to where I'm going to..."
Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
Ya, he's heard that a whole lot too.
Did he wear his clothes backwards???
"Kriss Kross will make ya JUMP JUMP...the daddy Mac will Make ya JUMP JUMP"
Originally Posted by ruaround
Did he wear his clothes backwards???
"Kriss Kross will make ya JUMP JUMP...the daddy Mac will Make ya JUMP JUMP"
I was trying to tell him about that group when they started but he just didn't get it or ever hear the song. But the Christopher Cross singer was right in his time frame so he was abused constantly by friends.
Originally Posted by Mimzy
That's my Husband's last name.
Aside from being the subject of teenage stupidity, it happens to be a very prestigious name -
Declaration of Independance anyone?
umm, husband? wouldnt that make it your last name, also ?