would a temp of between 78-81 be ok for xenia?


Yep, you should have no problems with that. My temp floats between 77-80 and my xenia is growing like crazy. I had a/c problems about 2 weeks ago and they stayed open up til around 83-84 degrees. It peaked at 85 and they looked real bad for about 3 hours.
BTW: If your a/c goes out, check your breaker box first. A circuit blew and I got a free sauna for 4 hours or so... I felt stupid when the ac guy found the cause of the problem.


That is the same temp I keep mine and they are growing very well


My water temp. stays around 81-83 I have to keep the fan (the fan for my room ) on it while the lights are on or it will get around 85 really fast. sorry to but in.......is this ok for my reef corals??

bang guy

80 - 85 if fine IMO. What is not OK is a swing in temp of more than a couple of degrees in a 24 hour period.
In other words, if you hit 85 in the middle of the day I believe you should set your heater high enough so that the temp will not drop below 83F at night.