Would Kelp (from CA cost) hurt my reef tank?


When I go to the beach I always see big bunches of Kelp washed up on the beach. If I were to bring some home in a plastic bag and stick it in my Refugium would it be OK?

bang guy

Could problems that I can see. When Kelp is healthy it grows very very fast. When Kelp is not healthy it quickly dies. Just a guess, but I would imagine it would grow for a week or so and then die completely once all nutrients have been consumed. It's the dying part I'm conceren with but the growth rate could also be a problem.
FYI - Some species of Kelp can grow 10 feet a day!


So if i put this in my Refugium it will not have any positve effect on the water quality for my main display correct?
Would my fish like it for a snack?

bang guy


Originally posted by enomadra
Would my fish like it for a snack?

That I don't know. I don't see any harm in trying.


If you are running a 55gal and place kelp in the fuge, the growth rate could exceed the space you have. As Bang Guy said, its possible it could grow 10' in one day. That is if the nurtients and light is available. I do not think a 55gal will produce enough nutrients to meet the kelps need...shoot I don't think many aquariums could. If they did, you would have to remove kelp on a daily basis.
If you try it, let us know how it work out for you.


WOW 10 Feet a day.:scared: I guess you could pull up a chair and watch it grow. that sound like a lot of growing for one day.