Would Like some opinions


Ok well i have a 55gal reef that is sitting pretty empty, i have a colt, green yumas, gsp, red zoos, and pom pom Xenia that will be in my fuge when its up...the thing i would like peoples opinion on is what kind of tank to do, there are soo many options, and i love them all, so i would like some suggestions to help make up my mind
also i have 2 clowns and 1 damsel, and a small clean up crew
and dont take into account lighting because ill be gtting MH eventually
im goin to list some fish inverts ect that i really like and these are what i cant make up my mind about
clown gobies
neon gobies
watchman goby
and a pistol shrimp pair
lawnmower blenny
royal gramma
orchid dottyback
Cardnalfish in general
Clowns in general
(not that i have room but..) Anthias too
Carpet/BTA anemones
pom pom crabs
cleaner shrimp

TIA for the opinions on my tank

bang guy

I'll give a quick opinion for you:
clown gobies - yep
neon gobies - yep
watchman goby - yep
and a pistol shrimp pair - sure
jawfish - yep
mandarins - just one
lawnmower blenny - yep
royal gramma - sure
orchid dottyback - nope
Cardnalfish in general - a M/F pair
Clowns in general - nope
(not that i have room but..) Anthias too - nope
I'd suggest adding no more than 3 or 4 from the above list.

Carpet/BTA anemones - nope on the Carpet
shrooms - yep
ricordea - yep
zoos - yep
birdsnest - yep
hammer - yep
torch - yep
clams - so-so
pom pom crabs - nope
cleaner shrimp - yep



Active Member
I asked brooklynnjohny if there was any anthias I could put in my 46g. bow front for its entire life and he said a pair of barlette anthias would do great as long as I hve lots of liverock with caves and stuff for them to hide in. So I think you could have a barlette anthia in your 55g. because its longer to.