Would these 2 guys be compatible?


I have a 9" Golden Puffer that I paid a lot of money for. I want to add a 5" Clown Trigger that also costs a lot of money. Just wandering if anyone forsees any problems with mixing these guys.
The tank size is 120 gallons and has about 75 lbs of live rock, no other fish, puffer has been in the tank for 1 month.
Also I want to add an eel later on, possibly banana eel or a snowflake. Any thoughts on their compatibility???


Also, can you keep 2 puffers in the same tank? I think i read somewhere they are not compatible with each other?!?!?


I wouldn't put 2 puffers in the same tank unless it was huge(500g+). Also I think that tank is small for the both of those fish and down the line you may experience problems with the clown trigger. It has been known to attack other fish most likely over territorial disputes.


I think I have decided on getting the trigger and not two pufers.
I plan to get a smaller trigger to put with my 9" puffer. The Clown Trigger is only 4-5" so I think the puffer should be able to hold his own.
Do you think a 120 is too small? I will only have 2 fish in there?!?!?


Active Member
Not only is the tank too small, but you're going to be getting the Clown when it's in it's prime age/size to start being territorial.
Dont make the mistake of thinking that because the Puffer is bigger, it'll be alright. That Trigger would tear it apart, while you're watching, before you'd even have a chance to help it, especially in a tank that small.


AW2x3 is right, you are heading for trouble, even a 120 will be to small for this mix ............. I would not add the clown trigger !
i saw a 5inch volitan lion tear a 7inch puffer to shreds. territorial reasons i guess. *****
Volitans are predators, not aggressive and not territorial ......


Active Member
I have a 9" golden puffer and a 6-7" porcy puffer, no issues!
I hade a 4" bursa trigger in the tank but took him out cause he would eat crabs like no other. They all got along though!
They are in my 210.


CGrant, my puffer is the spittin image of yours!
I have decided against getting the 5" large Clown Trigger, now I am stuck trying to figure out what kind of tankmate to get for the golden puffer. I want one other large fish in the tank that can hold his own, but not pick on the puffer. My only other requirement is that the fish be yellow or black. Any suggestions?!??!?!
Right now I am thinking:
Black & White Heniochus
Black Dogface Puffer
Clown Trigger (small 2-3")
Yellow Tang
any others???


New Member
Some of my friends had triggers and puffers together without problems, but I never have. I had a 6'' clown trigger and a gold spotted moray eel together, they looked awesome together, and they got along fine. I added a lionfish, who I think killed the eel during acclimation to the tank.


how about like a flagfin angel or a zebra eel or a black volitan lionfish :thinking:


New Member
I have a 8-9" Porc Puffer
7" Volitan Lion
1' Panther Grouper
7" Niger Trigger
1.2' Naso Tang
3' Banded catshark
in my 300 gallons and no problem so far, other than the porc eating all the food that i drop in the tank


get the niger trigger and the porcupine puffer out of the tank they are going to kill your shark


I have had two puffers in the same tank for about a year now with no problems, I also have three triggers with them including a clown trigger, I think it's basically gambling, They might like eachother and they might not, but I am completly satisfied with my fish


Active Member
Is this a standard 4' 120g tank?
I would avoid the clown trigger at any size. IMO, you are asking for trouble there.


Yes the tank dimensions are 48X24X24.
I plan to only have two fish, and maybe eventually an eel in there. i already have the 9"golden puffer and need to figure out what to house with him...


I currnetly have a 4" clown trigger with a 7" porcupine puffer. I only bought this clown becasue he lived in a small tank with the puffer at the LFS. I knew he had a good temperament and it was worth the risk. The fish currently reside in a 145 and get a long quite well. Last week I added a 7" surge wrasse and all i well so far. The key is to finding a specimen with a good temperament in a community setting. Still, one can not preict the future but rather be ready to adpat if the dynamic changes amongst fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by perchpsk
CGrant, my puffer is the spittin image of yours!
I have decided against getting the 5" large Clown Trigger, now I am stuck trying to figure out what kind of tankmate to get for the golden puffer. I want one other large fish in the tank that can hold his own, but not pick on the puffer. My only other requirement is that the fish be yellow or black. Any suggestions?!??!?!
Right now I am thinking:
Black & White Heniochus
Black Dogface Puffer
Clown Trigger (small 2-3")
Yellow Tang
any others???
I have ~7" hippo tang in my 210 and I can tell you she dont take any crap from anyone!
She has actually made my golden puffer move to the other end of the tank before, That was funny to watch!
Clown triggers are very cool looking but have heard they are very aggressive, maybe like a bursa, blue throat, niger or a humma humma would work better, the humma humma can also get aggressive though!
My golden is pretty passive so i can put just about anything in my tank, except inverts, I had a large urchin he left alone for awhile until he figured out he can break the spines off one by one, once all the spines gone he was lunch!
He leaves my large crabs alone though!