Originally Posted by
Darthtang AW
Ok, lets break this down simply.
Exxon is on pace to reach 96 billion dollars total NET. If the first quarter they made a proffit of almost 10 billion this translate into a 40 billion dollar proffit.
There are almost 300 million people in the U.S. That means each person in the U.S. had to buy almost 360 dollars worth of gas from Exxon this year. That means each person gave a 160 dollar profit to exon. This translates to the equivalent of roughly 50 gallons, means the average vehicle filled up 4 times this year.
Once it is broken down you will see right now exxon basically gets a 40% mark up on a gallon of gas from the start to the finish...which is on par with every other product sold in the U.S. The reason it is an issue is before the demand was so low and the supply so high they couldn't get this kind of profit, now that they can (just like every other product in the U.S.) people are complaining.
You pay 1.07 roughly for a McDonalds Double cheeseburger. McDonalds cost for the cheeseburger is roughly 58 cents. This includes labor and cost of goods. Yet no one complains about the huge profit McDonalds makes. Oh yeah, because no one eats 17 double cheeseburgers each week
To further your point, I would like to add that cheeseburgers have reached a pinnacle in technology, theres no need to reinvest, so pure profit. Oil companies have to change and develop new technology, this isn't free.