Wow! Barry Bonds Finally Indited!


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Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
I knew it was coming but what a coincidence this year!
i think we can thank Ms. Jones!!! its about time!!!


Active Member
I no i just heard it on ESPN. Im thinking, finally! how can u get that fat and ur head that big? its not normal


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Barry may end up with a tin plaque in his prison cell instead of a bronze one in Cooperstown Baseball HOF ...
It's about time !! Now erase that HR record off the books !!! Looks like San Francisco is in mourning ... ROFLMAO ROFLMAO ROFLMAO !!!!


Active Member
Barry may end up with a tin plaque in his prison cell instead of a bronze one in Cooperstown Baseball HOF ...
It's about time !! Now erase that HR record off the books !!! Looks like San Francisco is in mourning ... So much for your hometown "hero" ROFLMAO ROFLMAO ROFLMAO !!!!


Active Member
as much as it sickens me.......

the asterisks sticks..........!!!!!
it contributes to the delinquency
of SOME sports


Active Member
One last take .... Way to go, Bonds - you just gave MLB a black eye with your attitude, selfishless and unwillingless to cooperate.


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Totally... they've held his friend in jail for a year. He said he never knowingly took steroids, but never denied that he may have been given them. What about the other players who testified? What about McGwire or whats his face from Baltimore? Sosa? Clemens?, Giambi? on and so on.


Wow, so much for being innocent until proven guilty. Indicted doesn't mean he did it, it means he will have to go through due process to be proven guilty or not. I, for one, try not to judge people on just media facts. I'll reserve judgement until all of the true facts are proven.


I dont think that its about if he did it or not. Its obvious he was taking SOMETHING. Now they just need to find a way to prove it. Its not normal to look like a calf one day and then turn into a huge bull....


Everyone said the same thing about Vick. The arguement right when he was indicted was that the goverment does not indict someone unless they are reasonably sure they are right. Turns out, Vick was guilty. You are right, innocent until proven guilty, but right now, I am voting against innocent.


Active Member
being indicted requires less proof.... this is basically the next step before a trial. I think Barry will fight this until the end. Perjury is also very difficult to proove.


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Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
i think bonds is really getting the shaft on all of this.
why do you like the cheater so much??? when he is convicted and found guilty are you still going to say he is innocent???
i mean cmon every male over 30 has their head and feet grow 2 sizes... this is totally normal...


Active Member
Because if Barry is a recongnized cheater.... there are many more people the FEDS and MLB need to go after.... The whole sport is corrupted... and their inquires should have began with the commissioner and owners. The orginal person that broke the story, Canseco, has said that performance enhancers dominate the sport. Bonds is an easy target because is a big fish that people don't like... the reports say he never tested positive, yet you have other players who test positive all the time, and rumors of other major players who use. Why do we have to prove he did this? Because this is more than about lying.
Does that make you feel better? ruaround


Active Member
Another point... Barry was used by the owners and MLB. Ask yourself this...They have been investigating Bonds for at leat 18 months. His friend has been in jail for a year. Why did they wait for him to break the record? Why did they wait for the season to be over? Why did they wait for him to be released/not resigned by the Giants. What new information do they have now, that they didn't have before?
Owners and MLB profitted from Bonds packing ballparks and turned a blindeye when they new exactly what was going on. Bonds, Sosa, my opinion saved the sport when people lost intrest in "America's Past Time".
Its a joke