Wow! I think I'm in over my head... Help!



I would upgrade here a little bit with the electric outlets, that looks SCARY!!
I use this product line By shockBuster it is a GFCI. it would trip and shut power down if it got in contact with water.

I am new to sumps/fuge and the different set ups but this looks like it not being used in the best way. I could be way off so somebody chime in on that set up.


Next I would do a bit of cleaning of that sump and skimmer. I see that it has a safty overflow drain that is real neat! Get new sump socks too or at the least toss that one in the washer machine NO SOAP can use a cup of white vinegar it will help clean it better. It is also GREAT to clean any thing, tanks, skimmers and such. Just rinse well. Where is the RO/DI unit I did not see pics of that?
I see a light on the sump does it have any rock or curley grass looking stuff in there?
Phosphate may be your problem I am not sure could be flow could be old light bulbs.
Also looks as if you got air bubbles in the main tank as well we need to find the cause and fix that. Air bubbles in reef/salt tank VERY BAD.
Lets talk about flow in the main tank how many powerheads are in there besides your return flow from the sump?
Get a pic of the RO/DI unit. The guy may not have changed them in a while.
To know for sure you can test the RO water and see your results EVERY THING SHOULD BE 0 if not your filters are most likley the cause.


Oh yea that brain coral is in a bad spot move him down to the sand middle area. Be very easy with him. Make sure your hands/arms are good and clean and rinsed very well before you touch him. Lets see the lights seems kinda dim in the corners. But that is ok you can put lower loving corals in those areas to brighten it up.


Active Member
MAn it looks like you are good to go, as far as equipment goes. to bad about loosing the water changing stuff. I think you'll find the concept the same in FW as in SW. Corals are sort of like plants, they need light and food, corals need some flow too. Their is still a nitrification cycle. (plant food) the biggest difference is your margin of error, fw fish can handle water with more junk in it.


test your salt gravity have you anything around that looks like any of these in pic?



Thanks for the pictures.
I would go with Bonitas advice, although in order to get rid of the cyano I would lower the feeding, not sure how much you are feeding now, and start on about a 10% water change every 2 days until you start to see some of the cyano disappear.
Bonita, you are doing a great job with the advice, although I am not a fan of using overly expensive GFIs I think this tank warrants for them as I saw a lot of cords at weird angles and in bad locations. At the very least I would make sure all extensions and cords are secure and in a good location as clear away from water as possible(meaning not over any water or besides any water).


Thanks just given back as best I can. That one outlet box cost me $25 at the Home Depot. They have others around $12 same brand just different set up. So I did not think they where to bad in cost. considering a trip to the hospital cost more


Originally Posted by bonita69
Thanks just given back as best I can. That one outlet box cost me $25 at the Home Depot. They have others around $12 same brand just different set up. So I did not think they where to bad in cost. considering a trip to the hospital cost more

Wow, I hope to never get shocked that bad, although not sure what else I need. I have been shocked from just about everything besides a 220V, not gonna try it either, doesn't help when you are not scared to stick your hand or fingers into places with high voltage though. But I'm sure you are very right, its better to not take trips to the hospitals.


The R/O system is in the downstairs utility closet. If you look at the equipment pic 3rd down you can see a macro-line coming out of the wall with a blue ball valve on it. That attaches to a float valve in the refugium and is fed by the R/O filter. I'll get some pics of the R/O later and I'll make sure to test the water soon as well.
As for the testing equipment, I'll have to look again but I defiantly did not see a refractometer but maybe some of the other testing equipment might be lying around. I'll start pricing around and see what more I can find in the house.
The Brain Coral? I take it thats the squishy looking thing? I'll put it on the sand right away. I actually put him up there because I had thought it fell off... my bad.
I'll start working on getting things organized in there as well. Your right it is a mess. I also cleaned the protein skimmer but not till after I took the pic, man that stuff stinks. Kinda reminds me of fishing at the Newport Pear 4 in the morning when I was 10 (if anyone here is from SoCal you might know what I'm talking about).
As for feeding, the super computer does all that and not much goes to waist (I forgot to mention there are like a million hermit crabs rummaging around). But I'll start up with the water changes as soon as I can. That brings me to another question-
I have not found any salt in the house, just the inventory list in my earlier post. What kind of salt do you think I should get or does it really matter at this point? I'll see what they have at my LFS.
Oh and one more thing, what's cyano? Is it the algae or the crap on my blue tang?
Once again and always, thank you so much, we'll get this tank looking good, I just have to keep learning. On a positive note, my mom has said that she wants to start adding more fish, coral, and invertebrates (not her words of course, I think she said "fish and stuff") a few at a time once a month. I'll have to start looking at my options huh?


I can't tell you for sure what is wrong with your tang. It may be a permanent scar or a nutritional factor causing it. I noticed your tank is pretty bare as far as algae goes, so you may want to look into getting a feeding clip and placing small strips of Sea veggies or some type of NORI for your tang. It may also be related to your water quality, but I am not an expert on tangs.
The salt I use is the Instant Ocean and I have no problems with it. It is really up to you what you want to try I just suggest you stay consistent with the brand, the only brand I would not recommend is the Red Sea brand.
Cyanobacteria is like an algae, Although the name states what it really is, bacteria. It feeds on phosphates and if left to take over your tank it will cover corals suffocating them to death and covering your sand bed and rocks prohibiting proper nitrification. It also looks bad IMO. It can be related to over feeding, bad water, and low water flow.
I am sure you will do good in selecting your future fish and/or coral. The best things to take into consideration it seems you already know. Fish compatibility, reef safeness, invertebrate safeness(since you have so many hermits), and with corals just make sure you know what species do well in your type of tank and what a healthy coral is supposed to look like. Personal advice, run away if you see any flower pot coral(gonioporas) or elegance corals, they just die.


Originally Posted by h2ocrazy
The salt I use is the Instant Ocean and I have no problems with it. It is really up to you what you want to try I just suggest you stay consistent with the brand, the only brand I would not recommend is the Red Sea brand.
That is funny you say that, have you had bad problem with RED SEA Salts before? That is what I have been using for years, I just got the new RED SEA CORAL Pro and love it. It was made just for us RO/DI users so it adds back the good what those units strip out. I have always loved the salt.
Also REEF cystals is a good choice.
I have never used Instant Ocean so no comments on it.
But h2ocrazy your 100% don't flip back and forth on different salts stick to on brand if at all possiable.


I haven't tried Red Sea, but have heard of people not getting the right water quality out of it, could have been due to them switching brands though. If it works for you, that's great, I just have not heard many good comments on Red Sea all together. Like everything in saltwater, not everything works for everyone. I for one can't keep a torch coral, but I can other euphyllias.


Active Member
I also use the RED SEA CORAL PRO and have had good para. with it. When I had a crash a couple months back my elegance survived it and is slowly growing back to it's former glory. It's kind of one of those things. I can't keep a LMB alive longer then a month. Go figure.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Imo start a good clean up the protein skimmer cup really needs to be emptied out I would remove it and give it a good cleaning AS well as the complete unit with fresh water also it looks like you have a build up of salt on your motor at your sump check the PVC connection to it and your hippo tang seems to have white spots but that may just be the pic keep an eye on him and WELCOME one more thing check out your valves make sure they are working very important IMO


Well, its time for an update.
I've been adding a bit more coral and fish and have learned a ton over the past few months. I'm almost done reading The Consciencentious Marine Aquarist and have been reading on forums not stop. I also got my own 29 BioCube.
Here is a list of what I've added and done to the tank thus far:
Fish- Scooter Blenny, Mandarin Blenny, Yellow Tang, Sailfin Tang, 1 more Tomato Clown, Sea Hair, Lawn Mower Blenny, Bangi Cardinal,
Coral- Green Star Polyps, Red Sea Xenia, Zooanthids, Mushrooms, Frog Spawn, and an Anemone.
What I've done-
Replace all lighting in the tank, Replace R.O. Filters, Bought a 30 gallon Holding Tank for by-weekly water changes, Cleaned up salt creep, Organized the wiring mess, and bought a few more test kits.
I've been running into some problems though. My mushroom was dyeing (only after about 3 days of being in the tank) and so is my Frog Spawn (it's been in for about a month). I'm getting no caroline algae growth any where in the tank despite raising the Calcium to 400. I've checked for Copper (nothing), Magnesium 1050 (high but I think that's ok isn't it?), DKH 9.5, Ph 8.2, Salinity 1.023, Phos 0, Ammonia 0, Nitrates good, and Ozone is set just above 25%.
What the heck is wrong with this tank! It's been running for over 2 years and it looks like I just set the thing up. My Nano has been set up for only a month and is practically covered in coraline and I am sooo confused. Right now I've got the Mushrooms, and Frogspawn in my nano and it bounced back in only a couple of days.
You guys got advice for me??? I'm running out of ideas.
Here is a pic taken just a few days ago-



Don't blame ya for skimming it, I have 2 MH 10000k and 2 24 watt actinic. And I believe it was a same kinda of lighting as before (just not 2 years old).


what wattage are the MH lights.
one thing about coraline it really doesnt care for intense lighting. I had great coverage under a 150 that I had but when I had the dual 250 on a 100 gallon tank I had no coraline growth at all.
so it might be a situation where there is to much light for it to grow.


Just thought I would stop by an update you all. I've made vast improvements on on my mini-reef stock and my overall knowledge of the hobby. I'm at that point were I know what someone is talking about when they say something like "my trachs look so awesome under my actinic" and stuff like that.
I got hooked up with a local marine aquatics community and forum in my home town and they have been an amazing help, not to mention a great source for killer deals on coral and fish.
Oh and as I was reading through this thread I noticed that I posted that this was a 125 gallon, well it's not, it's a 235.
Here are some recent pics of the tank-

I've added a few more fish and coral to the tank since the photo but I think I'm all stocked out at this point. I'd like to keep some growing room. I've also added 2 54 watt t5 actinic, a Kalk doser, and a ton of veggies to the sump.
Thank you guys so much for your help in getting me started on the path.