

wat size tank NM Reef, it seems like u have a lot of liting, my lfs sed a clam would be fine with 5 wats a galon

nm reef

Active Member
DfishH...its a lil 55 gal display...with 3 seperate 25-30 gal refugiums and a 20 gal water volume is close to 160-170 gal. Been set up for over 2 years now. Soon I plan to replace the 55 display with a 150.:cool:


I wish I could find a good source for LT plates. My LFS does not get them in because they tend to not survive shipping well. Which is also why I do not wish to buy one online. Very cool though.
I have been considering trying a maxima. But, I only have PC's. I have a great spot near the top of the tank. If I could get the clam to stay in that spot, I think he would do good.
Anyone have experiance with that situation?


Rook, I'm not sure about your lighting for a maxima but if you do try one you could put it on a shell and let it attach and then move it to the top. Two of mine have attached to shells and i can move them around. They haven't tried to move from the shells so I assume that they like where they are at. Its just a suggestion.