Wrasses/CC substrate


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Originally Posted by connor
im goin to search for some fish for ya and i will post them when im done

Thank you!!!!!!
:cheer: :jumping:
:joy: ***) :happyfish


Active Member
I already have the 3 green chromis, and the Diadema Pseudochromis. (the diadema is leaving..thats what we're finding the replacement for)


Active Member
Could I do any kind of anthias in a 55 with what I've already chosen? Maybe some bartletts, or something that stays small?


Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
what fish in that list do you already have?? also are you gonna have shrimp??
Yes, I have shrimp, but I'm willing to get rid of them, if the fish is cool enough.


Active Member
1 royal gramma ( same color scheme as the psuedo) yellow & purpuleish-pink
2 perc. clowns orange and white
2 neon gobies black and blue
1 lemon peel or pygmy angel yellow or bluish yellow
3 chromis green
2 banggai cardinals black and white and gray
this would be a very cool stocking list beacouse all the colors are found in other fish too so you have a great mix of color but still all complement each other.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emperor11
Yes, I have shrimp, but I'm willing to get rid of them, if the fish is cool enough.
never mind kepp the shrimp there cool/


Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
1 royal gramma ( same color scheme as the psuedo) yellow & purpuleish-pink
2 perc. clowns orange and white
2 neon gobies black and blue
1 lemon peel or pygmy angel yellow or bluish yellow
3 chromis green
2 banggai cardinals black and white and gray
this would be a very cool stocking list beacouse all the colors are found in other fish too so you have a great mix of color but still all complement each other.

But the royal gramma would be the same problem as the diadema..too aggressive for the firefish. Hey, where are the firefish in that list? Otherwise, its awesome! Would it be better to just ditch the firefish and just keep the pseudo with that list? I really like that list!!


Active Member
i would keep the psudeo or replace it with the gramma and forget about the firefish i think that psudeos are better, im not getting firefish now that i found out that psudeos are to aggressive.


Active Member
Okay...so, my list is:
1 diadema pseudochromis
1 percula clownfish
2 neon gobies
1 lemonpeel angelfish
1 Scott's Fairy Wrasse
2 banggai cardinals
3 bartlett anthias
Think I could do all that if I had really good filtration and did weekly water changes? I realize its heavy, but I think I can make it work. I replaced the 3 chromis with the wrasse, and knocked the clown down to 1..and then I added the 3 bartlett anthias..I know I'm pushing it..but I think it will work. I think it would make one HECK of a 55! What do you guys think?


Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
that is PERFECT very cool list!!

WOW! I'm really excited now..this is gonna be a really cool 55. But, unfortunately, due to some recent family problems, I basically have to start all over (not quite, I'll still have my LR and the couple fish I currently own) but I really need new equipment. I want to get some odyssea halides and a nice sump. Currently I'm running two Aquaclear 300's and a Lee's Counter Current Skimmer. They both work nicely, but ya know..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emperor11
What is a flasher? Is an Australian Scotts Fairy Wrasse a flasher?
My mistake. I did mean the Scott's Fairy. Sorry, I get them mixed up sometime because they both have simularities in personalities and compatibleness.
I see you mentioned reefsafe and so you might want to reconsider the Lemonpeel or do more research on how reefsafe they are. A lot more to consider than just color when mixing fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
My mistake. I did mean the Scott's Fairy. Sorry, I get them mixed up sometime because they both have simularities in personalities and compatibleness.
Oh REALLY?? They don't need the sand bed? I might have to do some fish list switchin...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
My mistake. I did mean the Scott's Fairy. Sorry, I get them mixed up sometime because they both have simularities in personalities and compatibleness.
I see you mentioned reefsafe and so you might want to reconsider the Lemonpeel or do more research on how reefsafe they are. A lot more to consider than just color when mixing fish.
Yep..I know all about the lemonpeel and its tendencies. I really want a bright yellow and blue angel, and I've heard that some will eat everything, and others nothing. I wanted to do a Majestic Angel, as they only get 7" wild, from what I've read, and they're generally reef safe, but I don't know if that would work in a 55 or not. If not, can you recommend any other bright yellow fish that might work?


Active Member
Without mentioning a Yellow Tang, you may want to consider Butterflies. Or a small school of Assessors. Maybe a Butter Hamlet but again, not with Firefish. I like Chalk Bass, not Yellow but pretty.
So many fish to choose and such little space, that everyone's problem, mine too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Without mentioning a Yellow Tang, you may want to consider Butterflies. Or a small school of Assessors. Maybe a Butter Hamlet but again, not with Firefish. I like Chalk Bass, not Yellow but pretty.
So many fish to choose and such little space, that everyone's problem, mine too.
Would a copperband butterfly work? Also, just out of curiosity, are there any types of anthias that would work in my tank? Bartletts maybe, or Sunbursts, something that stays smaller?


Active Member
I would not recomend a CBBF ( really needs a large mature tank) , or the Sunburst ( dont like bright tanks ) but a few Bartletts would work with your list but considering Bioload, I would scratch the angle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I would not recomend a CBBF ( really needs a large mature tank) , or the Sunburst ( dont like bright tanks ) but a few Bartletts would work with your list but considering Bioload, I would scratch the angle.
Well, of course..I'm just considering certain things that might work.