Wrasses/CC substrate


Active Member
What dwarf angel (thats better about not picking at coral) do you think would look good? Or would a yellow tang be better?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
i thought that if u have two firefish they will fight
i had 3 and they all got along great but when i moved i had to sell everything back to the lfs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
i thought that if u have two firefish they will fight
Two firefish of a different species. In other words, you can have two firefish, two purple firefish, or two helfrichi firefish, but you couldnt do one firefish and one helfrichi firefish. That make sense?


Active Member
i dont know thats REALLY pushing it i dont think it would work thats really cramped for that many fish. the anthias are really active so is the wrasse and the lemonpeel. i would scratch the anthias ang get 1 more clown but it is your tank what ever you decide to do i hope it works out for you!


Active Member
Firefish live in maited pairs when mature. They dont do well long term singlely or in groups unless theres enough room in the tank for the pairs to have their own territory. Same thing with mixing the different species too.
IMO, the CB is the most coral safe Dwarf. But some still can be trouble.