Azoni: Who did you get taken by? Was it Raven1969? I'm sorry to hear you got taken to. Unfortunately you lost more then I did. I was buying a sump & pump. Guy broke the sump before he even shipped it. Took him for ever to refund that money. He made 4 or 5 payments to my paypal account. For the pump, when I got it it turned out to be 7yrs. older then what he told me, and just about ready to die. I sent it back in April, so far he has made two payments. Here is the kicker first payment $1.76, second payment 2 months later for $2.25. I will never buy from anyone online that has to ship to me. You have to send them the money, and pray that they are honest folks. Prayer works, except in situations like this. I am not rich, I only work part time, every penny counts for me. I know some would say that I don't belong in reefing, but what else is there? I'll give up manicures, hairstylist, the movies, eating out, vacations, but I will have my REEF...........