Hi All, I am looking to buy some frags, would like to add some color to my tank. I like polyps, leathers, and anything that's easy to care for
Orange Monti Cap. Orange Monti Digitata, Purple M. Digitata and a Red Monti. Cap. As usual I will have Orange Ricordea yuma, Green Star Polyps, and a variety of mushrooms.
Ahh Guy...
Any other sps in the spring? How about a tan monti with blue polyps??? Mine didn't make it I'll have to go hunting for other things for your fuge and we can make another trade.
Originally posted by Bang Guy
Orange Monti Cap. Orange Monti Digitata, Purple M. Digitata and a Red Monti. Cap. As usual I will have Orange Ricordea yuma, Green Star Polyps, and a variety of mushrooms.
My email is cfish@insight.rr.com Add me to your list, if you would, Bang Guy. I should be up and running, looking for some cool frags by then.