WTB large tank in MI


I am looking fo a tank AT LEAST 180g in the michigan ohio area.
Would be willing to drive to pick up.
Am looking to keep sharks, Eels, and large angels so needs to be AT LEAST a 6 footer AT LEAST.

aqua world

New Member
i have a 180 up and running now but i am moving in two months and dont want to have to move everything so i also have a 125 so i might set up that tanks and just switch my fish over.


That sounds like a deal.
First could you take some pics of the tank with you in it so I can get a proportion in my mind.
I am making this an In wall tank and would like to get a feel for how much will cost me in materials.
I also need a price for the tank. Am I just getting the tank or are there some extras??
If anyone else has a tank 180g + I am still looking!!

aqua world

New Member
sorry the tank is not for sell anymore i met a guy the is a fish wholesaler and he is selling so many fish a prices and i cant turn down i am going to need the 180 for fish and 125 for corals.


Thats OK
that sounds kool, I wish I knew a wholeseller who could hook me up like that.
You needs to become BestFriends with that guy :yes: LOL
Ever change your mind email me.


I can get you a 300 gallon clarity plus with a mag drive 36 pump and some MH for 4500.00 OBO with a 4 ft nurse shark and a 4 ft green moray eel in it.


That sounds amazing.
But unfortunatly I already have my sharks I will be putting in the tank. I will have a blacktip reef shark in there with my dragon moray.
Al I really need is the tank and maybe the MH.
Who is selling the tank if you don't mind me asking?
Do you think the would sell the shark and the moray along with the mag??
I was thinkning like The tank for around $775(can get a brand new one for $700) and maybe two or three MH for like $300-400.
Total about $1,000.
Money is alittle tight right now a but in about a month or so I can have it all together.
Also since you seem be selling this tank for some one.
I have a 55 gallon Agg, has 50lbs of rock and 70 CC. A niger trigger about 6" long and same with the Humu Picasso Trigger. There is also a SFE about 18" long and he has been doing great.
Along with x2 2" Domino Damsels. Comes with tank, stand, DIY Hood, Whisper 30 Filter, 200W heater, Two power heads, two 24" floresent lights and a 30" actinic No light. I am selling this tank to buy a bigger tank hence the tank you are selling. I am asking $600 OBO
if you know anybody looking for a tank and if you didn't mind metioning my tank to them I would greatly appreciatet it.
thx you.
Email me at LoveTheSea7@hotmailDOTcom
Replace the DOT with a .


I dont know where you can get a 300 gallon acrylic tank from for 770 brand new. She will only sell the shark and moray but as far as the tank it has to go complete no split ups. I will let everyone I know about your tank that you would like to break down. The nurse shark will go for about 400 and the moray for about 100. Let me know if you or anyone you know is interested. Thanks, Jason


You think a 240 gallon would be fine for that Eel??
I can get a 240 gallon for $600 and a 300 for $750 brand new at Jan's tropical fish in dearborn. My parents and I know the owners.
Nice people.
I appriciate you helping me sell my tank like this. If possiable I would like to sell as a whole but if you get an offer just email me and I will give it a go.

aqua world

New Member
ya jans make there own glass tanks, a 240 will be nice for an eel but the shark you are going to atleast a 300


What size tank does she have the shark in right now? The 300??
Thats only an 8ft tank right how does the shark swim??
She needs to sell the shark to the zoo or something.
How old is the shark, Do you know?
You are pretty knowledgable person when it comes to fish, How old are you?? We should meet sometime. You sound like a cool guy(or girl) HAHA


No, They grow to be about 14ft. They can grow up to like 7 or 11 inches in a single year. This shark was a pup when bought and is about 3-4 yrs old. She is now aprox 4 ft give or take. If your interested 400 and you pick up and its yours. Must have a 500 or larger aquarium and can prove it. This shark needs a better home not a smaller one and we really care about where she goes and how she will be treated. Only the serious should reply about purchase. She cannot be let go in the wild because she wouldnt make it in the sea. Thanks


Vince she is in a 300 right now. I am a guy. lol. The tank is 100"Wx28"Dx71"H. Thats including the stand and canopy. It has VHOs I believe and for sure MH in the lighting. All Oak finish with a 35 gal sump and mag drive 36 return pump. The tank has center overflows. Really nice tank will be complete. Water, Tank, Stand,Canopy,Lighting, aprox 500 lbs live sand and crushed coral. The nurse shark has to be sold to someone first. the Green Moray eel could be included. Im in Michigan. Where are you? Well later


I live out in Dexter, MI
Not to many people have a tank that can house a 4 ft shark and still growing. Has she talked to a zoo or something if no one here can take the shark?? Why can't it survive in the wild I thought even captive breed sharks can be released in the ocean. It's like naturaly instinke(SPELLING)??
Well when she get ride of that shark I MIGHT, THATS a BIG might, be able to take the tank and the rest for like $2500 AT THE MOST.
I;m only seventeen and don't have a job that pays THAT well. (would you like fries with that? LOL).
I get to go to New Mexico tommorow at 4:00AM(Thursday). I am wondering if they have anything good like aquariums wise out there? Guess I will find out.
Talk to you later.


Vince, There is no way someone is going to sell that type of acrylic tank for 2500 complete. The shark wouldnt be able to survive and no zoos will take it.