xenia anyone


Active Member
Thanks Bang, but is there not any way to make it happen? You wouldn't want to take the chance? Should I try and get some at the lfs? The lfs sells them for like $80.00 for a small rock.


Active Member
So kip, how much would it be to ship do you know, and could I get enough to give my girlfriend some, she loves that stuff.
Do you have any pics of your tanks? You too Bang?


hmm confuzzled here
i got these two xenia...i thought the one on the left is pom pom xenia and the one on the right is pulsing xenia...but kips looks like the one on the right...???


Active Member
Cool Kip thanks for the pic, they look awesome. Why would I have to qt them, disease, or what? I would be here to get them, do you know how much shipping might be 73644 oklahoma?
I like yours Clown- Lover.


both of them do pulse, so if the left ones are red sea pom pom xenia, what is the name for the right ones?
thanks kyle

Originally posted by Kip4130
they will begin to die off... the water in the bag will be full of mal-nutrients... xenia are like macros... they absorb bad stuff outta the water... when they die... they release it

! I didn't know that.But 80$ for Xenia! DAMN! i got mine for 35.


Active Member
OK kip I will first check in okc for people that might frag some for me, if that doesn't work out I will contact you.
Do you have full tank shots? Are you going to reset up your corner?
Bang do you have a full tank shot too?


When shipping xenias you could try the following:
Attach the small rock with the xenias to a piece of styrofoam securely. Float the stryofoam in a plastic bag so the there is no easy way for the frag to get flipped over. Fill the bag a full as possible so the xenias will always be in water even if the package flips and tumbles while in transit. Put styrofoam peanuts around the bag to hold it in place. You may have a better survival rate. shipped this way.
I guess you could also use a smaller piece of styrofoam to keep them afloat, and it would move as needed to keep them in the water, and keep the rock from tumbling on them and smashing the polyps... I have never tried this method, but I have transported other soft corals this way before with excellent luck. (8-10 hr car rides)
Best wishes,


Active Member
Thanks kelly, we might have to do it that way when I decide what to do.
Thanks again,


Is it safe to put styrofoam in the water with the coral??? I thought it was super toxic? Maybe I am reading it wrong. Do you put the rock in the styrofoam and then put it all in the water? I am getting ready to transport Xenia so I am going to try this method but wanna make sure I don't screw up.


Active Member
he is saying to rubberband or tie the xenia to a piece of styrofoam either by the stalk or the rock it is connected too.


Active Member
I love that corner tank, it sure was awesome and I'm sure you miss it
So as of now the corner if for little things until the coralline grows and you can go sps, or do you just sell the sps?
The rack tanks are cool too, is that a pink hammer on the top right of the bottom tank, I want it:D Can't wait to see the corner come back together as an sps tank with all the awesome frags etc. in the tank. I can't wait until I get those 250w hqi's then you will have to start sellin...lol.


Active Member
Man kip can't wait to see the summer project of yours, and that hammer is nice. That will be a good tank for the rics, zoos, xenias, after so long it will be filled to the brim and you will be makin some money at the lfs for about 1/3 the cost of the sps, even on ---- you could try to sell some.
Eric from the pic they look good, as far as I can tell. That dragonnet looks happy too.:D


Active Member
Dang looks great bang, I personally like all the plantlife in the tank. So you are setting up your tank for sps now with the new hood, you lucky dog?!!! What are you planning on keeping in it.