Xenia going down!


Active Member
Yesterday I noticed that my anthelia and pulsing xenia weren't doing good. They looked pale, shrivled, and they were falling over. I can get a pic if you guys need. Doesn't look like anything has been eating it. ironic that they both started looking bad at the same time. All other tank inhabitants look normal, even the other corals. I just turned my skimmers effeciency to pull out the most skimmate possible, so could the water be too 'clean' for the xenias?


the minimal amount of xenia that i had crashed too. All of my water params were perfect, i'm thinking that maybe my water temp was a little too high at 82.
I dunno


Active Member
Alk. around 280-300 ppm. What dkh would that be equal to? I haven't had any problems before, alk has always been that same level since the beginning.
Ca came out at 300 on a salifert test kit. It was just at 450 2 days ago! Could that be the problem? Xenia doesn't have a calcium-based skeleton.

bang guy


Originally posted by ViPeR_930
Xenia doesn't have a calcium-based skeleton.

It sure does! There are internal Calcium carbonate structures called sclerites.
Your dKH is about 16. So you have a high ALK and low Calcium. It could be a problem for Xenia.


my Calcium is 430 and alk is 10.9 dkh
is there a chart somewhere that shows what the alk should be at a specific cal level?

bang guy

Do a search for a thread titled "Dripping Kalkwasser". I believe that thread had a suggested balance.


New Member
This might sound crazy, but every time my xenias look like there not doing very well. I move them or move a rock next to them. Then they feel the need to reach out attach them selfs to the near by rock.
IMO I think they are happy when they can spread
p.s. they alway seam to come back when they find something to spread to.