

Active Member
I have a piece of rock with two sets of stacks of xenia. Both where doing great from the get-go, but now two weeks later, one set has withered away. Would would cause Xenia to wither?


Active Member
I read somewhere that Xenia just crashes for no reason in some peoples tank.
What type of Xenia is it and how's your pH?


i personally have never been able to have xenia grow in my tank... im very happy that is the case however.. why this happened i have no clue.. i get great sps growth as well as zoanthid and shroom



Originally posted by donmgicwon
Do xenia require a certain amount of Ca?
Yes they do. Mustly I was concerned about the balance as Kip pointed out. Looks fine from here. :confused: :notsure:

Hey, how did someone post on my reply/question?

bang guy


Originally posted by donmgicwon
Do xenia require a certain amount of Ca?

Yes they do. Mostly I was concerned about the balance as Kip pointed out. Looks fine from here. :confused: :notsure:

bang guy


Originally posted by donmgicwon
Hey, how did someone post on my reply/question?

It can happen if there's an absent minded Shark that hits Edit instead of Quote.


:happyfish Hi, I LOVE xenia. I have most kinds. Xenia can be tricky, but I've found dumping almost a capful of iodine on the clump. They love to get live dt a lot, and really not to high of lights, and moderate water movement. If all else fails, and you can't get it to live, try another MUCH hardier variety called aptheria? I can never remember how to pronounce that correctly. It is the matting kind. It is way hardier. It is gorgeous pink and has really long arms and very large mouth parts. It doesn't pulse, but sometimes it's been know to.Pom Pom is second hardiest. Unfortunately, you got the hardest. Sometimes you just can't keep that kind alive. Good luck, and hopefully I was of some help.


I have found that just a slight movement out of strong lighting has worked well form me with stalks that were not growing well.
As for killing it, can't seem to do it! I don't think I can help with that. I have cut stalks off rocks and just dropped em into another tank and they just pick right up where they left off and the remnants of cuttings on rock take new growth a few weeks later, tiny xenia hands start poping up. These are mostly the pom pom xenia. I have also noticed that some stalks will not recover from a drastic light change either. Red sea seems to be a bit more fragile for me. Anthelia which was noted earlier is also pretty hardy but encrusting. It comes in long stalks and short stalks. Both grow rather quick.
Another possibility is you may have just got some bad xenia, don't give up. Try a different type or from a different supplier or individual locally. Someday you will have more than you can live with too! Good luck!


Active Member
Well, I have it up top with VHO's. So I think it should be fine. I have it in a medium to strong flow. One minute string, next minute medium to mild. Both stalk sets are right next to each other. One is doing great, forming another stalk, the other is withering away;very limp. Could something of bothered it? I don't think its a matter of placement.