Xenia xplosion

jimmy 4

My xenia are starting to go nuts. This is the difference over 1 month.

I might have to sell some of them so they don't take over my tank... it is only a 20g.


Active Member
It's hit or miss in people's tanks. Your's looks like mine though. I put small frag rocks up next to mine, let them spread over to the frag rocks, then give them away to friends, or trade them in at the lfs.


Active Member
good luck getting rid of them. once they get a hold, its impossible to get rid of them. they do look nice though waving back and forth.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Speaking of getting over run. I am all for caulerpa in a refug. Correct me if I am wrong but is seems like you have caulerpa in your DT. If so how are you planning on containing its growth?


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Speaking of getting over run. I am all for caulerpa in a refug. Correct me if I am wrong but is seems like you have caulerpa in your DT. If so how are you planning on containing its growth?
i could be wrong. is that kind of caulerpa less invasive?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
i could be wrong. is that kind of caulerpa less invasive?
Hard to tell my friend. If it is Caulerpa taxifolia, which is invasive it is better kept in a refug. but may also be the look alike
Caulerpa ashmeadii or Caulerpa sertularioides which are non invasive. This is the reason one must be very careful in their selection of caulerpa if they intent to grow it in their DT

jimmy 4

my tank is only a 20 gallon. I have no problem keeping the calupera under control. It attaches to rocks but is no problem to remove completely. I don't have a refug, my tank is kind of ghetto. I have a HOB filter and two power heads....wish I had a refug.
I have the calupera confined to one side. here is an old pic, the tank looks a little different now


Originally Posted by pleasants9
for a "ghetto" setup your tank looksbeautiful!
I agree on this one .....I would normally not agree with the macro in the tank but the way you have controled it makes the tank look sweet!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jimmy 4
thanks for all the positive feedback.
The pink stuff on the left is the xenia.
you are lucky fellow to have that growing.
i want some. i have a rock and they are pumping but idk what to do to get them growing!