Y do my ricordia's keep dieing


My friend gave me a green ricordia mushroom about 3 weeks ago, and it slowly died in my tank. I was surprised because my water quality is fine and i have a colt and leather coral, a red mushroom, and a BTA which are all doing great. I thought the dieing of the green ricordia was a fluke, so i went out and bought a orange one. It was fine the first week, but now all of its bubbles are very small and deflated and it is very tiny. Any ideas what I am doing wrong. Could my pepermint shrimp be bothering it?


Its 48 watts of pc lighting over a 10 gallen tank. I placed the mushroom on the very bottom, but now i just moved him into more current. Ill see if that helps.


My ricordia seem fairly hardy... One of my blue ricordia got attacked by my Tube Anemone, after gluing it in place, and some feedings, it is now recovering nicely.
Do you feed yours anything? When feeding my fish, I will direct feed some brine shrimp to my Corals. Usually 1 or 2 to the Ricordias makes them very happy :)


mine seem to love the light. i have 96 watts over 10g and one set has been splitting and another set is huge. i also feed twice a week ( DT's and Brine mixture).