Yellow Clown Goby?


Active Member
If you just set it up I would wait a bit till your readings are stable. I have a 1 gal and tried a green clown goby but it did not work. I have tried 2 of these guys with no luck at all maybe you might be luckier.
I have a bumbleebee goby in my 1 gal and these guys stay so nice and tiny easy to feed and fun to watch. I won't put anything bigger than this in my tank.
Watch the clowns, some of them are so far gone when they reach the stores that they are hard to bring back. They can be fussy with eating too. I personally think that a 10 gal tank they would do much better in than these tiny picos. But this is just my opinion. You can try one if you like though.


I was wondering about how aggressive clown gobies are. I have a royal gramma that I believed may have killed my firefish, and I'm wondering if it will kill a clown goby.
I know they stay small, but I haven't read too much about their attitudes.
My LFS said they are really passive, but I read a couple threads saying they can be bullies. What do you think??
I was thinking about a green clown goby.


Originally Posted by bpro32
I had a green clown goby that never messed with anything, but I hear they sometimes kill sps
Do you think it will get picked on, or can they hold their ground??
They are so small, I'm worried something might kill it.


Originally Posted by woody189
Do you think it will get picked on, or can they hold their ground??
They are so small, I'm worried something might kill it.
I had it with a pair of pink skunk clowns that never messed with it so I'm not sure.


I have 2 in my 225, and 2 in my 54....they mess with nothing (LOL) and nothing tries to eat them either


Active Member
They have a slime coating that discourages other fish from picking on them. But, if you have any large fish, they will prolly be lunch. I think they will be fine with a royal gramma. They hide really well. They can and will eat and kill SPS. It is where they breed and one of their food sources. They are carnivorous though and do well on a mixed diet.
IMO, they are awesome fish. Very outgoing and spunky. Mine will handfeed and actually perch on my hand. They are not afraid of much but not extremely aggressive either.