Yellow Coris Wrasse info?

scott t

Active Member
This is what I read up on it-
The Yellow Wrasse is also referred to as the Golden Rainbowfish, Golden Wrasse, Yellow Coris, or Canary Wrasse. It is golden-yellow with a black eyespot on the dorsal fin.
A 50 gallon or larger aquarium with a sealed lid, a 2-3 inch sandy bottom to hide under when frightened, and other peaceful Wrasses, including its own species, provides a good environment. It will eat fireworms and pyramidellid snails, protecting corals and clams. In addition, it may eat feather dusters, wild shrimp, tubeworms, and flatworms. It may also eat parasites off of tank mates.
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Care Level: Easy - Moderate
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: With Caution
I hope this helps and I think its a beautiful fish!! =)

scott t

Active Member
Meowzer it is just what I read somewhere, I think that you should listen to people that have experience with them in their own tanks. You have a Huge tank, also I know that you feed your fish well. SO why not give it a try and see what your own experience with it is. Also if you look at what I posted never said anything about eating or nipping at Corals so that is a Plus I would think... I think the fish is really Beautiful and would look awesome in your Tank :)


LOL...Scott...that is the reason for my thread....I have read about them, and I was looking for personal experiences....Guess I should have worded it better

It take me a LONG time to pick something out

scott t

Active Member
Lol Mewozer, I know I still have a long list of fish that I like and still have not Decided on what I am going to put in my tank when I get it up and running.. Then Corals also, There are some many of them and such beautiful ones.. Its just so hard to Decide what to get and what to have.. So I understand why it takes you so long to pick something out.


Well I ordered it

I also ordered a Copperband Butterfly for my 54G, and a one spot foxface for the 225G...and some other miscellaneous cuc


I think this is it......The fox and the coris are almost my last ....the only other thing I want is 2 or 3 filamented flasher wrasse...later
1 sailfin tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 blue hippo tang, 2 green chromis, 1 yellow tail damsel, 1 pseudochromis
2 Clowns (percula), 1 bicolor blennie, 1 lawnmower blennie, 1 coral beauty, 1 dwarf flame angel
1 golden headed goby, 1 green mandarin, 2 pajama cardinals, Nassarius Snails and more snails, a Few conch
2 brittle stars, 1 serpent star, Some blue leg hermits, scarlet hermits, emerald crabs, peppermint shrimp


Well-Known Member
Well...that's not as bad as 105. lol That sounds like a descent little community.
off topic the cyano clearning up?


Originally Posted by 2Quills
Well...that's not as bad as 105. lol That sounds like a descent little community.
off topic the cyano clearning up?
not is still blotchy, and on the sand.....I pick the top of the sand out each evening. It's weird, it is kinda mixed with some hair
.....I did a w/c this weekend, and I am gonna do another one this weekend too....I added Purigen also
I cut out ALL vitamins (per Shawn) I am thawing my food in water, and rinsing it...I do not know what else to do.....
I tested nitrates...just in case...they are 0, but phosphates are still staying about .25

my corals are looking great though...LOL

scott t

Active Member
Yay you ordered it and more.. I am so happy for you and remember when you get it there must be pics.. lol


I have a coris wrasse in my 265 and have had no problems. He is cool to watch. he will dart across the tank and dive down into the sand causing a sand explosion. I dont know what he is doing. Looking for food maybe? But it is still cool. cant wait to see pics. Im also glad to see you got the copperband butterfly to. I think you will be pleased with your purchase.


Thanks, I hope so....I am getting really tired of finding aptasia in the 54G :( I hope this copperband likes it...
Joe's Juice works on the ones you find, but there always seems to be another one
And some of them are pretty hard to get to

scott t

Active Member
Meowzer, Just wanted to let you know that you have inspired me to put the copperband butterfly on my list of possible fish for my 55 gal tank. Lol I understand why it takes you so long to make a decision on what fish you want for your tank. I so can not wait to see pics of your new stuff you are getting. So make sure when you get it that we get PICS PICS PICS!!! lol