Yellow Fiji Leather???


Ok so I've had this Fiji Leather for almost a month now and it looked very healthy, bright yellow, and all the little polyps were poking out. Now since it has been in my tank it has looked like this since. I was told by my LFS that it just takes time to adjust to the water conditions and new surrounding. I figured this would only take a week or so but it's been awhile now and I'm afraid something could be wrong with it. Please give me all the help you can. I've included a picture with my current tank setup and then a closeup of the yellow fiji. If I should move it somewhere please help me decide where....


bang guy

Looks to me like there's either a chemistry imbalance or not enough waterflow.
What is your waterflow and your major trace element levels?


My waterflow I believe is good... I have a aquaclear 50 powerhead with the hydroflo head... and as for my trace elements I'm not sure their levels as I purchase all my saltwater from my LFS. however my
PH - 8.3
nitrate - 0
nitrite - 0
KH - 8
No2 - 0
ammonia - 0
My thought was that the hydroflo isn't putting enough flow over the leather because it is directly below the powerhead. however I'm not sure.. just to specify I have 225w VHO lighting on my 30 gallon tank.


couldn't I just move the fiji to a higher flow area... 2 powerheads for a 30 gallon tall aquarium seems a little excessive???


I would bet odds that it came from a lower watt system. Thing looks burnt to me. I would lean 90% in that direction and about 10% toward bacterial.


ok so what should I do to correct this... I'm pretty sure the LFS has metal halides above their tanks but pretty high off. Should I move it lower and set it into the sand??? or once again move it to another area of my tank?

bang guy

Originally Posted by adamsr10
couldn't I just move the fiji to a higher flow area... 2 powerheads for a 30 gallon tall aquarium seems a little excessive???
Not at all in my opinion. The Hydroflow does restrict the output a bit so you probably getting less than 200gph flow out of it.
The Sarco won't enjoy direct flow but it does need quite a bit of turbulence to remove the film when it sheds (like it's attempting to do now). Mine is about 12" away from a 250 MH. The more light they get the brighter the yellow.