Yellow Fin Wrasse Rides Yellow Shrimp Goby



Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Of course, it now has no illusion left of having anything at all to do with a fish discussion.

We can fix that.
I like fish! I like people who visit fish boards. How are you all?
Zat qualify?

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
We can fix that.
I like fish! I like people who visit fish boards. How are you all?
Zat qualify?
Ah ~ back on task, no locking of thread now surely. Fish are truly wonderful. I just feed mine and they also have a pecking order. Wrasses get the first and longest serving, gobies get the sloppy left overs. And corals get the microserving.


Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
No, no, I believe she was referring to the fact that Sep would not allow the thread to die (sharp and witty indeed). Of course, it now has no illusion left of having anything at all to do with a fish discussion.

Sep never lets the good ones die

Sir Quizzy is involved. Ask Joe, that is a fishy
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Cripes, fingers and computer cannot respond fast enough to keep up with three women ~ a man's worst nightmare I tell you! Failure to perform on demand.

Poor Randy all on his own against three women

Originally Posted by Tizzo

We can fix that.
I like fish! I like people who visit fish boards. How are you all?
Zat qualify?
That definitely counts!!!! Fish topic covered!


Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Cripes, fingers and computer cannot respond fast enough to keep up with three women ~ a man's worst nightmare I tell you! Failure to perform on demand.
It's OK... I understand... It happens to every guy at some point...


Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Ah ~ back on task, no locking of thread now surely. Fish are truly wonderful. I just feed mine and they also have a pecking order. Wrasses get the first and longest serving, gobies get the sloppy left overs. And corals get the microserving.
See, pecking order is established! How are the wrassie and yellow goby doing?


Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Indeed! For crying out loud, the whole thing started because of a simple little picture of a fish.
That is NOT a simple little picture! That my friend is illegal if done to humans! Did you SEE the look on that poor Goby's face?
Exploiting your fish for humor.
I NEED that nope smiley.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
See, pecking order is established! How are the wrassie and yellow goby doing?
Fine thank you, I a little concerned that the wrasse is a bit confused. I've provided him with a female specimen, but he seem far more interested in displaying to the gobies (both yellow and firefish). I'm becoming convinced that the fish has desires of a unhealthy bent.