Yellow Fin Wrasse Rides Yellow Shrimp Goby


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Well I was gonna suggest that they were off conspiring together. I think one showing up is just to throw us off. Well, or they really are in bed,
tending to their needs.
And they'll be back soon.
Randy (?) is it? Shows up early.

I think he shows up as the nice spy. He knows we won't be too mean to him. He let's the other fella know how roiled the women are

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
HAHAHA!!! As I just said to Tizz that you have not shown up yet, here you are!
Good girl? Was that me? It still is

Darn, where is my angel smiley when I need t!
INDEED! I've been studying from the master some of the strategies of the sneak attack
. Obviously no where in your class yet, but I'm learning. Interesting, I don't believe that you had ever previously claimed to be the "good girl", I thought that was Spidey's position. As for the angel smiley, You use the "evil" one way to often, the angel one is perhaps so small you are over-looking it


Active Member
Randy's is 2 or 3 time zones away from us Tizzo so his evening is still new. That's what these guys were doing the other night, having fun when us East Coasters were sound asleep. I'm sure that as soon as I go to bed, the fun here starts

Dwight is probably getting ready for a scout meet or something over the weekend.

scopus tang

Active Member
It appears that Joe is not the only one to have retired early, Spidey perhaps has slipped off to bed to attend to some needs as well.


Nice? Is that what you call him? Sneaky spy, I knew it!
But I don't know about the nice guy part...need I remind you(per the evidence below), shhh, I think he's a little delusional.

I'm just sayin...
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Are we behind or simply leading and about to lap you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
It appears that Joe is not the only one to have retired early, Spidey perhaps has slipped off to bed to attend to some needs as well.
I'm heading that way soon and completely alone. Then again... heck I'm going to keep my mouth shut.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Randy's is 2 or 3 time zones away from us Tizzo so his evening is still new. That's what these guys were doing the other night, having fun when us East Coasters were sound asleep. I'm sure that as soon as I go to bed, the fun here starts

Dwight is probably getting ready for a scout meet or something over the weekend.
Indeed as I stated last time. As soon as the young people are off too bed, the ponies come out and the real parties get started


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Indeed as I stated last time. As soon as the young people are off too bed, the ponies come out and the real parties get started

So unfair!

Where is everybody during the day time when I'm really sharp and witty?


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman


Rest! He was guilty the whole time! I saw right through him from the beginning.
Oh just... like sleeping?
noooo, it's wool I tell ya!


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
I don't think there is an end to it unless it's locked. Sep wouldn't do that to us

You thought you were safe? Seps not the one with the power to do that, lol

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
You thought you were safe? Seps not the one with the power to do that, lol
No, no, I believe she was referring to the fact that Sep would not allow the thread to die (sharp and witty indeed). Of course, it now has no illusion left of having anything at all to do with a fish discussion.

scopus tang

Active Member
Cripes, fingers and computer cannot respond fast enough to keep up with three women ~ a man's worst nightmare I tell you! Failure to perform on demand.