yellow tang an sailfin tang



ok i have a 90gal tank with a sailfin tang in it and i would like to move him over to my 150 with a yellow tang in it will they fight to the death or are they ok to be together?


i have a feeling that you yellow tang might fight with the sailfin. most because yellow can be agressive plus that is his tank right now and when you add the sailfin he will bully him. That is how my yellow tang is. i tried adding a convict tang and he was all over him. my tank is a 135gal.


Active Member
the yellow tang will very likely harass or even kill the sailfin, unless the sailfin is much bigger. if possible, try rearranging the rockwork a little to confuse the yellow tangs territory.


mine seems to be very easy going hes in with an emporer angel a few 4stripe damsels a domino damsel a coral beauty an a lunar wrassel. the problem i had the last time i tried to put him in my75 before i upgraded to the 150 the domino beat the crap outta him in the first 5 sec he was in, he acually swam back in the net tryin to get away from him. so i know i have to get rid of the domino for sure


do you think if i would put the yellow in the QT and move all the rock to the 150 from the 90 an then put them both in it would be the same?


Friend of mine had 2 yellow tangs a sailfin tang and a blue tang all added to the tank at different times and they got along fine. that was in a 55 gal.
I doubt it....right now I have 1 yellow tang, 1 purple tang, 1 chevron tang, 1 powder blue, 1 blue morph, 1 red sea sailfin tang, 1 kole tang in a 125 waiting for the 265 to cycle and i have no issues

bang guy

I think they'll be fine together for 4 or 5 years. There will be posturing but no real fighting until the Sailfin matures. After that all bets are off.


well after 5 days an another 200lb of rock i am happy to say everything is all good. took down the 90g an transfered all the rock over to the 150g an all the corals an cridders though for sure one of the pygmie angels would be dead in the morning after but they are fine coral beauty doesnt seem to mine the other purple pygmie being in there with her. the 2 tangs are pretty content with each other aswell.took the lights off the 90 an combine them with the ones on the 150 after i made my own canopy. still need to paint it and add a lid to cover all the wires an what not, can only work on it at night as there the only lights i have.