yellow tang - died of unknown causes...


Hey guys-
I bought one of SWF's yellow tangs when they were on special... remember the 1" little tangs? well, I had him for about 4 months and noticed that he didn't grow much... He ate healthy, however never gained any weight- he always looked emaciated to me. well, long story short, last night, I found my hippo tang dragging him around by his tail- I was able to quarantine him in a breeding cage, but needless to say, he didn't make it.
By what I've described, is there a condition in fish which make it hard for them to gain weight? Should I be concerned about other fish in the tank?
Last week I introduced a golden headed sleeper goby which I bought online through SWF- he only made it 2 days before being picked off by a crab (most likely sick already)- could this have caused the downfall of my baby tang?
I also noticed when I took him out of the tank that I could see red veins along his dorsal fins and underbelly... is this signs of a parasite?
Thanks for all of your help... I'm a bit discouraged this morning-

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Intestinal paristies, worms all of which could have gone unnoticed and although your fish was eating it was starving to death. The red lines IMO are most likely a sign of a secondary bacterial infection


Thanks for your help with this Joe- your article was great... however, how am I to know if this was potentially the cause? I'm watching the behavior of my other fish to be indicative of problems... oddly enough, I had noticed all of the inhabitants hiding for the past coulple days- finally last night the tang showed signs of stress and eventually died. What I'm still not clear on after reading the "worms" post is if I should be concerned with the other fish... I guess I will continue to watch closely- tonight I will freshly press some garlic and treat their mysis before feeding... anything else precautionary?
Once again, thanks for all of your insight!