yellow tang eating cleaner shrimp


Active Member
I have a Purple Tang with a CBS, 2- cleaners and one peppermint and there has not yet been any problems with any of them.

bang guy


Originally posted by andrew79
(what can i provide for him so this wont happen again

What size tank is your display? It's also very possible that the Cleaners were dying and the Tang just cleaned them up.
Originally posted by SPSfreak100

Tangs are naturally herbavorous and will not attack and kill their food

I respectfully disagree with this statement. I believe Tangs are omniverous and they relish small (live) crustaceans. It is definately unusual for them to attack Lysmata Shrimp though.


my display is a 55 gallon (i know this is alittle small i plan on upgrading to a 100 in acouple of months ) the tang is only about 3" now
thank you

bang guy

IMO your 55 is fine for that Tang. The 100 would be better, but the tank size didn't have anything to do with the aggressive behavior. What do you have in the display for the Tang to graze on? they need to eat almost constantly during the day.


Active Member
I feed about 2 inch squares of nori to tangs twice a day. Before I leave for work and when I get home. Some people use a veggie clip, I just float it so they have it to graze on during the day. I kept my yellow in a 55 for a year and it did fine as the only tang in there. Might keep your tang busy and not after the shrimp.


i think i might try to put him back in the display and try to feed more and watch him very carefully. if any one thinks this is a bad idea please speak up