Okay I'm not trying to start a fight but everytime I hear about someone with a tang everyone flames them for having them in a tank that is to small like a 55 or anything smaller than a 150. BUt what I have seen is that 1 yellow tang in a 50 that my brothe in law has had for 3 years is nothing but a healthy tang that displays it's dorsal fin prominately and seems quite happy. So in my humble opinion if you yake care of your tank and make sure to keep them well feed with plenty of varity in thier diet and make sure to guard against ich and other dieseases with a cleaner shrimp or fire shrimp. So the bottom line is imho it matters about the caretaker not neccesarily the size of the tank with in reason that is obviously you would put it in a 20 gal. sorry just a rant cause alot of innocent people get burned for no good reason.