Yellow Tang flames



Okay I'm not trying to start a fight but everytime I hear about someone with a tang everyone flames them for having them in a tank that is to small like a 55 or anything smaller than a 150. BUt what I have seen is that 1 yellow tang in a 50 that my brothe in law has had for 3 years is nothing but a healthy tang that displays it's dorsal fin prominately and seems quite happy. So in my humble opinion if you yake care of your tank and make sure to keep them well feed with plenty of varity in thier diet and make sure to guard against ich and other dieseases with a cleaner shrimp or fire shrimp. So the bottom line is imho it matters about the caretaker not neccesarily the size of the tank with in reason that is obviously you would put it in a 20 gal. sorry just a rant cause alot of innocent people get burned for no good reason.


Active Member
Thats what we call rationalization. Nobody is a fish psychologist and can say one is happy or not. Any fish that has food in abundance dropped in front of its face two times daily and nothing trying to eat it or its food should "look" rather content if not downright giddy. Bottom line is no matter how many people you see do it, no matter how successful you see people do it to ignore 100% of experts in the field that say those are unfavorable conditions requires you to rationalize a reason its okay because you simply want to keep one. I'm more impressed with the notion of admitting conditions arent favorable but not being able to resist the temptation of wanting one and doing it anyway. People who have small tanks (myself included) and want certain fish go around looking to see how many people or cases they can find of people keeping X fish in the same size tank. If they find enough people doing it they conclude it can be done. If you wish to smoke crack and somebody questions you you'll tell them about tom, dic and harry who smoke crack but go to work daily and are able to maintain a lovely home. If someone wishes to eat philly cheese steaks for breakfast, lunch and dinner they'll tell you tia,diane and heidie ate cheese steaks and fried chicken skin 4 times a day and lived to be 99. If someone wants to keep a 6" tang in a 30 gallon they tell you about the two guys on's forum that keep hippo tangs in their nano tanks (yes there are at least two I've seen).


What makes someone an expert? A degree? Experience? Knowledge? I've had saltwater tanks since 1965. I still learn something new every day. Yesterdays rules on what you should do and what you shouldn't become obsolete and are constantly changing. Who are we to judge anyway ...

bang guy

Originally Posted by mbrennan
What makes someone an expert? A degree? Experience? Knowledge? I've had saltwater tanks since 1965. I still learn something new every day. Yesterdays rules on what you should do and what you shouldn't become obsolete and are constantly changing. Who are we to judge anyway ...
We shouldn't judge. Bottom line, it's just a fish.
What we should do in simply give opinions, when asked, to inform new hobbiests what the typical odds of success are given a certain environment.
My opinion is just another opinion. Take it or leave it. I think the odds are against a Yellow Tang in a 4' tank long term. I also believe they start acting a lot different in smaller tanks, less disease resistance, more destructive, and a whole lot more aggressive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mbrennan
What makes someone an expert? A degree? Experience? Knowledge? I've had saltwater tanks since 1965. I still learn something new every day. Yesterdays rules on what you should do and what you shouldn't become obsolete and are constantly changing. Who are we to judge anyway ...
Most things such as lighting, filtration, bristle worms, DSB ect always have people on both sides even though from time to time certain things fall out of favor. On the other hand Tangs and tank space has never been a source of debate and just about universally accepted. I would say Tangs not needing tank space ranks right up there with trying to keep corals with a 20watt standard flourescent. Nobody is judging doing it, I only judge rationalizing a reason to completely ignore virtual unanimous thinking instead of just admitting you want one and are going to do it. I have a small hippo in a 30g who am I to judge. He seems "happy" (he eats, swims and poops). I know he likely shouldn't be in there based on unanimous opinion. I had to have one so I got it screw you all. I'm now having to buy a bigger tank for no other reason I couldn't resist wanting one. shoot me already.


Last time I was at the LFS, they said it's ok to keep a blue tang, yellow tang, trigger, and clown :scared: in a 55 because of "improved filtration". Some people might think they are experts. (This isn't my tank)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
Most things such as lighting, filtration, bristle worms, DSB ect always have people on both sides even though from time to time certain things fall out of favor. On the other hand Tangs and tank space has never been a source of debate and just about universally accepted. I would say Tangs not needing tank space ranks right up there with trying to keep corals with a 20watt standard flourescent. Nobody is judging doing it, I only judge rationalizing a reason to completely ignore virtual unanimous thinking instead of just admitting you want one and are going to do it. I have a small hippo in a 30g who am I to judge. He seems "happy" (he eats, swims and poops). I know he likely shouldn't be in there based on unanimous opinion.
I had to have one so I got it screw you all. I'm now having to buy a bigger tank for no other reason I couldn't resist wanting one. shoot me already.
See above!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
Most things such as lighting, filtration, bristle worms, DSB ect always have people on both sides even though from time to time certain things fall out of favor. On the other hand Tangs and tank space has never been a source of debate and just about universally accepted. I would say Tangs not needing tank space ranks right up there with trying to keep corals with a 20watt standard flourescent. Nobody is judging doing it, I only judge rationalizing a reason to completely ignore virtual unanimous thinking instead of just admitting you want one and are going to do it. I have a small hippo in a 30g who am I to judge. He seems "happy" (he eats, swims and poops). I know he likely shouldn't be in there based on unanimous opinion. I had to have one so I got it screw you all. I'm now having to buy a bigger tank for no other reason I couldn't resist wanting one. shoot me already.
That's nice! Ppfft...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Medic79
Okay I'm not trying to start a fight but everytime I hear about someone with a tang everyone flames them for having them in a tank that is to small like a 55 or anything smaller than a 150. BUt what I have seen is that 1 yellow tang in a 50 that my brothe in law has had for 3 years is nothing but a healthy tang that displays it's dorsal fin prominately and seems quite happy. So in my humble opinion if you yake care of your tank and make sure to keep them well feed with plenty of varity in thier diet and make sure to guard against ich and other dieseases with a cleaner shrimp or fire shrimp. So the bottom line is imho it matters about the caretaker not neccesarily the size of the tank with in reason that is obviously you would put it in a 20 gal. sorry just a rant cause alot of innocent people get burned for no good reason.

Is the tang growing?


Originally Posted by susieq
Last time I was at the LFS, they said it's ok to keep a blue tang, yellow tang, trigger, and clown :scared: in a 55 because of "improved filtration". Some people might think they are experts. (This isn't my tank)
They are experts @ ripping people off if they are giving that kind of advice lol


Active Member
Well fire up the flame throwers, as I am leaving shortly to get a small yellow tang, which will be placed in a 10 gal tank.....for a period of time at least, then it will get removed and a new home found for it.....I have a big problem right now with Botryocladia skottsbergii, and tangs love to eat this stuff..I think someone needs to start a rent a fish outlet!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Maingo
I have a Yellow Tang in my 90, but I manage to stay clear of crack and other drugs......
