Yellow Tang in a 55 gallon tank?


Active Member
no tank can b in a 55 cause they will outgrow but if u want u can give it a try, it might live for mayb a month and then will die, try gettin the smallest one
i bought the smallest sailfin i can find and its been in my tank for a month and i gotta tell u he doesnt get really big, ur not really sappose to have this fish with 55's but hey rules were ment to b broken lol


Active Member
you might be able to get only one. if there is enough swimming room he will def last longer than a month. that was pretty harsh. i would only get one. and he was somewhat right start off small. there color is so vivid that even a small one looks sick.


New Member
I've got a yellow tang in my 55 gal and he has been in their for about 18 months now with no problems. I wont say what all else I have in there because I will only get a bashing.


Active Member
sarge, i think most people on here bestow their experience where applicable. it may sometimes come across as being direct, which can lead to being understood as a bashing, but i think it is a rare case. seems like you know you are breaking a lot of guidelines but if it is working for you , then it is working ... for the time being. my point is that you should never feel like you dont want to share because of getting bashed.


i have been told not to get a tang in a 55 either, but i have a 55 gallon currently and have had a yellow tang for about 6 months now w/o a problem. I also want a Hippo tang, but am refraining until i can get something larger.


Active Member
in general, YTs will survive as juvies in a 55g for about 2 years, tops. after that they will have outgrown this tank and it is cruel. the animal will be stressed and unhappy and many will argue it is imoral to keep them so confined.


I have a 90 gallon with 2 regal tangs and a powder brown that are doing well for about 9 months now. I know that they might get biggr and I am prepared to donate them to the local hospital or zoo when they do. But I just love tangs. I will find more small ones and grow them again.


Originally Posted by kalied20
I have a 90 gallon with 2 regal tangs and a powder brown that are doing well for about 9 months now. I know that they might get biggr and I am prepared to donate them to the local hospital or zoo when they do. But I just love tangs. I will find more small ones and grow them again.
I personally feel that you should only get living things if you intend to keep them. It's like getting a kitten but once it is grown up you give it away... it's just not nice or moral.


Originally Posted by rcdude1990
no tank can b in a 55 cause they will outgrow but if u want u can give it a try, it might live for mayb a month and then will die, try gettin the smallest one
This statement is FALSE. I had a tang in my 55g for allmost a year. Yellow tang to be exact. I know that tangs can not be kept in a 55 g tank for the duration of its life. They need room to swim and alot of it..but what you said is complete BS.
To whomever posted this thread PLEASE take into consideration that people do give false information...And it is their opinions..Read over what everyone says then do your own research and come up with a decision on your own.


Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
I personally feel that you should only get living things if you intend to keep them. It's like getting a kitten but once it is grown up you give it away... it's just not nice or moral.
Oh no, I have been struct by the tang police. You know most people on here that talk about not have a tang....DON'T HAVE ONE and have never studied to be a marine biologist. How is it not MORAL to want to give my Tangs to the St. Jude's Children's Hospital. They have a hugh tank and you can't put any small fish in there. I love Tangs. I don't have the room for a bigger tank right now, so 90 gallons has to do. I guess I should let you know that I have a total of 17 fish in this tank for the 9 months and nothing bad has happened.
Here's a list, judge me if you want, but got no right to say what is MORAL.
2 - Regal Tangs
1 - Powder Brown Tang
1 - Japanese Swallowtail Angel
3 - Perc Clowns
5 - Green Chromis
3 - Purple Anthias
1 - six line wrasse
1 - golden headed Sleeper goby
Along with 2 serpent stars, 1 small brittle star, 1 multiflora star, 35 or so hermits, 3 large turbo snails, 20 or so small snails
And a ton of corals
Oh yea a GBTA....silly clowns won't go near it.....


I have taken all of your opinions into consideration and have decided to not get a tang. BUT, do you ever wonder where the tangs (and other saltwater fish) go that are at your local pet store? My guess is most of the saltwater fish go into 30 gallon or less aquariums not suitable for ANY living thing that are usually bought for children because of Finding Nemo. On Numerous occasions, I have been in my lfs while kids run around asking if they can put a "Nemo" in there fish tank, and in some cases a fish bowl. I know that the aquarium specialists will not sell a fish if they know it will not be given a proper home, but what about all the parents that buy a "Nemo" for little Suzy just to get them to shut up. To me, this is the immoral side to this hobby, not raising a juvenile tang in an adequate tank until it outgrows it. I have a friend with a 180 gallon tank that trades with me all the time and I am sure he can house a tang when it is too large for my 55 gallon tank. The bottom line is, what I was going to do was not immoral at all, because the fish would be given a MUCH larger home after I raised it to a decent size. Would all you dedicated Tangiacs out there rather see me raise a Yellow Tang baby in a 55g reef tang with proper care, or a small child feed it bread in a 10 gallon tank until it turns belly up? Just think about what I said, it makes sense.