Originally Posted by Garfunkle
I have taken all of your opinions into consideration and have decided to not get a tang. BUT, do you ever wonder where the tangs (and other saltwater fish) go that are at your local pet store? My guess is most of the saltwater fish go into 30 gallon or less aquariums not suitable for ANY living thing that are usually bought for children because of Finding Nemo. On Numerous occasions, I have been in my lfs while kids run around asking if they can put a "Nemo" in there fish tank, and in some cases a fish bowl. I know that the aquarium specialists will not sell a fish if they know it will not be given a proper home, but what about all the parents that buy a "Nemo" for little Suzy just to get them to shut up. To me, this is the immoral side to this hobby, not raising a juvenile tang in an adequate tank until it outgrows it. I have a friend with a 180 gallon tank that trades with me all the time and I am sure he can house a tang when it is too large for my 55 gallon tank. The bottom line is, what I was going to do was not immoral at all, because the fish would be given a MUCH larger home after I raised it to a decent size. Would all you dedicated Tangiacs out there rather see me raise a Yellow Tang baby in a 55g reef tang with proper care, or a small child feed it bread in a 10 gallon tank until it turns belly up? Just think about what I said, it makes sense.
I have taken all of your opinions into consideration and have decided to not get a tang. BUT, do you ever wonder where the tangs (and other saltwater fish) go that are at your local pet store? My guess is most of the saltwater fish go into 30 gallon or less aquariums not suitable for ANY living thing that are usually bought for children because of Finding Nemo. On Numerous occasions, I have been in my lfs while kids run around asking if they can put a "Nemo" in there fish tank, and in some cases a fish bowl. I know that the aquarium specialists will not sell a fish if they know it will not be given a proper home, but what about all the parents that buy a "Nemo" for little Suzy just to get them to shut up. To me, this is the immoral side to this hobby, not raising a juvenile tang in an adequate tank until it outgrows it. I have a friend with a 180 gallon tank that trades with me all the time and I am sure he can house a tang when it is too large for my 55 gallon tank. The bottom line is, what I was going to do was not immoral at all, because the fish would be given a MUCH larger home after I raised it to a decent size. Would all you dedicated Tangiacs out there rather see me raise a Yellow Tang baby in a 55g reef tang with proper care, or a small child feed it bread in a 10 gallon tank until it turns belly up? Just think about what I said, it makes sense.