New Member
Hello I've been surfing for info, and came across your forum, Seems like you love your fish. My name is Dakis(daakiss, Doc for short). had a 55 gal but was leaking and broke. Saved the fish but during the stress of the rescue. They developed ich. Bought a 70 gal live tank with 2 clowns, hawk and lots of alge . I have my trigger, lion, tang, stripped hawk in hypo, for a 1 1/2 weeks,all eating garliced,vitoed foods , all enegetic but the yellow tang got a out break of ich again in hypo.. I have been using rid-ich in lower doses than on bottle everyday than stopped cause ich went away, so I thought, So my questions are, is it three week from when the new ich goes away, how can I disinfect my live rocks in the sump and in my 25gal tank, and should I get rid of everything in hypo. under gravey w/ live crushed coral rocks shells etc..